• 气候变暖导致白毛动物数量下降

    18-05-29 White-furred animals are in danger of dying out because climate change is causing a fall in snow cover, leaving them exposed and vulnerable, a new study suggests. 一项新研究指出,白毛动物正面临灭绝的危险,因为气候变化导致冰雪覆盖范围减少,从而让白毛...

  • 澳大利亚人选择奇异动物作为宠物

    16-12-29 The proud owner of dingo Kimba, James Bornstein, is part of the new wave of Australian exotic pet lovers whose unconventional companions are growing in popularity. 詹姆斯伯恩斯坦为拥有一条名为金巴的澳洲野狗感到自豪。如今澳大利亚兴起了饲养奇异动物作...

  • 美国首只机场辅助治疗猪LiLou

    16-12-26 This little piggy is the first known airport therapy pig in the US, according to the San Francisco International Airport. Her name is LiLou. 据美国旧金山国际机场称,一头名为LiLou的小猪是美国首只机场辅助治疗猪。 She promises to surprise and delight g...

  • 基因分析显示长颈鹿有四大种类

    16-12-10 Up until now, scientists had only recognized a single species of giraffe made up of several subspecies. But, according to the most inclusive genetic analysis of giraffe relationships to date, giraffes actually arent one species, but four. For compar...

  • 15年内人类将在实验室里养殖出鸡的各个部位

    16-12-06 In 1931, Winston Churchill predicted that within 50 years the world would escape the absurdity of raising a whole chicken on farm and instead grow parts in lab. 1931年,英国首相温斯顿丘吉尔曾预言,50年内,人类将不需在农场里荒谬地养殖整鸡,而是在实验...

  • 侏儒负鼠冬眠时能感知危险

    16-08-23 What happens to hibernating or torpid animals when a bushfire rages? Are they able to sense danger and wake up from their energy-saving sleep to move to safety? Yes, says Julia Nowack of the University of New England in Australia, lead author of a s...

  • 患病的动物自行孤立以减少疾病传播

    16-08-23 When animals get sick, they may change their behaviour, becoming less active, for example. The studys lead author, Patricia Lopes from the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies at the University of Zurich, says that previous r...

  • 夏洛特的网 Chapter 3 上

    16-08-18 The barn was very large. It was very old. It smelled of hay and it smelled of manure. It smelled of the perspiration of tired horses and the wonderful sweet breath of patient cows. It often had a sort of peaceful smell -- as though noghing bad could...

  • 雄性乌贼战斗时不会虚张声势

    16-07-29 Male cuttlefish do not bluff. When their body language shows they are agitated, they are. This was one of the findings from a study on the giant Australian cuttlefish in Springers journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, led by Alexandra Schnell...

  • 豌豆可根据环境变化做出“适应性选择”

    16-07-01 An international team of scientists from Oxford University, UK, and Tel-Hai College, Israel, has shown that pea plants can demonstrate sensitivity to risk - namely, that they can make adaptive choices that take into account environmental variance, a...