• I'm starving. 我太饿了!

    22-05-07 Im starving. 我太饿了! Notes:民以食为天。饥肠辘辘的感觉可不好受。除了Im hungry,还能怎样表达我很饿呢? Im starving. 我太饿了! I am starving to death. 我快饿死了! My stomach is growling. 我的肚子咕咕叫。有胃口好的时候自然也有吃不下饭的时候,没有胃...

  • be disgusted 倒胃口

    22-03-28 倒胃口,中文习语,本意指因为腻味而不想再吃(spoil ones appetite,cause one to become nauseated),现在多比喻对某人某事兴味索然,产生反感(be disgusted,get fed up)。 例句 再好的美味吃多了也倒胃口。 Even the nicest food can spoil ones appetite if on...

  • work up an appetite 引起食欲,胃口大增

    21-11-12 work up an appetite 引起食欲,胃口大增。例: He worked up an appetite after a long day of chopping wood. 在砍了一天柴后,他食欲大增。 You need to work up an appetite first, then well go to the buffet. 你得先让自己饿得饥肠辘辘,然后我们再去吃自助餐。...

  • 看电视是否会刺激食欲呢?

    21-10-20 为什么看电视时总想吃东西?尤其是看美食节目时,总是感觉越看越饿。难道看电视真的会刺激食欲吗? Sitting down in front of the television with a meal or snack after a long day is a very popular recreational pastime. And thanks to streaming services that...

  • to have no appetite for something 对事物“不感冒”

    21-06-22 动词短语 to have no appetite for something 没有胃口 的原意描述一个人茶饭不思,心情焦虑不安。在日常对话中表示某人对事物 不感冒,不感兴趣。 例句 I have no appetite for yet another superhero film! It seems like a new one comes out every month, and Im m...

  • 因噎废食

    15-06-09 In the past, there was a man who had a large appetite. When he ate, he devoured ravenously. Once he wasn't careful enough so that a fishbone got stuck in his throat. The food was blocked in his esophagus, and he could neither swallow nor vomit. So h...

  • Wit can gain a breakfast 机智得早餐

    14-06-04 Pat O'Burke was a poor Irishman with a large family and one morning, waking up early from cold and hunger, he decided to go shooting in a wood near his cottage. The wood belonged to Lord Northwood, a rich gentle man, and Pat had no right to go there...

  • 献错殷勤

    14-05-07 At a dinner party a shy young man had been trying to think of something nice to say to his hostess. At last he saw his chance when she turned to him and remarked, What a small appetite you have tonight, Mr. Jones.To sit next to you, he replied galla...

  • 福建高中生爱吃泡面被美国大学录取

    14-04-04 据《东南快报》周三报道,福建省福州市的一名高中生因爱吃方便面而被美国一所大学录...

  • Gallant Effort 殷勤

    11-06-19 At a dinner party a shy young man had been trying to think of something nice to say to his hostess. At last he saw his chance when she turned to him and remarked, What a small appetite you have tonight, Mr. Jones. To sit next to you, he replied gall...