• 《超能陆战队》第4章

    23-01-28 Tadashi took Hiro to his workstation. He rooted through a drawer and held up a roll of duct tape. Hiro sighed. Hate to break it to you, bro already been invented. Suddenly, Tadashi slapped a piece of the tape on Hiros arm. Hey! Whats your deal? Hiro...

  • 描述病情的常用搭配

    22-10-24 在去医院看病时,首先我们要向医生解释自己的病情,但如果使用的语言不够准确,就可能导致医生无法对症下药。如何用英语描述嗓子痛、流鼻涕、恶心想吐等常见的症状?试着做下面六道题,并学习一些用来形容病症的固定英语词汇。 1. Patient: I think Ive got a bad cold...

  • twist someone's arm 说服了别人

    22-05-11 (To) Twist someones arm 如果你逐字翻译,那么它字面意思表示抓住某人的胳臂并把它扭过来,这会非常疼。如果你被扭住了胳臂,那表示某人刚刚成功地说服你去做一件本来不是很想做的事。如果你成功地扭转其他人的胳臂,这表示你出色地说服了他们,最终他们同意按照你说...

  • 一些和健康息息相关的英语习语 下

    22-03-11 1. be (as) fit as a fiddle 非常健康 黄老板在《Galway Girl》里唱到: She played the fiddle in an Irish band. 她在一支爱尔兰乐队演奏小提琴。 有人说,小提琴是乐器中的贵族,所以要精心保养才行。 由此可知,和小提琴一样fit(健壮的,健康的),就是非常健康的...

  • 中国空间站机械臂转位货运飞船试验圆满成功

    22-01-10 据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,北京时间1月6日凌晨,空间站机械臂转位货运飞船试验取得圆满成功。 It was the first time that the robotic arm operated a large in-orbit spacecraft for a transfer test.这是我国首次利用空间站机械臂操作大型在轨飞行器进行转位试...

  • twist your arm 说服某人做某事

    21-12-28 如果你扭某人的胳膊 twist someones arm 就意味着你说服他们做点什么。 例句 I know you said you didnt want to go out tonight, but can I twist your arm? I could really do with a night out. I shouldnt have one of those cakes as Im on a diet But go on then...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 4

    21-11-29 With more than usual eagerness did Catherine hasten to the pump-room the next day, secure within herself of seeing Mr. Tilney there before the morning were over, and ready to meet him with a smile; but no smile was demandedMr. Tilney did not appear....

  • a shot in the arm 一剂强心针

    21-05-17 表达 a shot in the arm 的字面意思是 打在胳膊上的一针,但实际上我们用它来比喻 一个可以快速刺激并改善某件事情的行为,类似于汉语里常说的 一剂强心针。 例句 The extra cash will give the theatre business a much-needed shot in the arm. 这笔额外的现金将会给...