• 有关arm的表达

    21-05-11 1 up in arms 竭力反对;进行武装斗争 The whole village is up in arms about the proposal to build an airport nearby. 全村强烈反对在附近修建机场的计划。 2 at arms length 保持一定距离 I keep trying to get friendly with the girl who sits next to me. But...

  • twist one's arm 说服、强迫或者向某人施加压力

    21-05-11 大家看到 twist ones arm第一反应是不是拧掉某人的手臂?千万不要理解错误哦,一起来学习一下这个俚语的真正含义吧~ 根据Free Dictionary的解释,twist ones arms是指说服、强迫或者向某人施加压力。 比如: I didnt want see that movie about Mozart, but my roommat...

  • have a dead leg/arm 腿/手臂暂时失去知觉

    21-04-12 搭配 have a dead leg/arm 的意思是 腿部或手臂因血液不流通而暂时失去知觉,感到麻木、不能移动。 人们 have a dead leg/arm 的原因可能是身体局部长时间保持同一个动作,血液不流通,从而感到麻木。Have a dead leg/arm 也可以用来表示在足球等接触式运动中突然被击...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 15

    21-01-21 Great was the mourning for Sancho, because his talents and virtues made him universally admired and beloved. Miss Celia advertised, Thorny offered rewards, and even surly Pat kept a sharp look-out for poodle dogs when he went to market; but no Sanch...

  • 这东西太贵了!

    20-10-15 1. It costs an arm and a leg!这东西太贵了! 这个句子乍一听有些吓人!表达cost an arm and a leg的意思可不是会失去一条胳膊和一条腿,而是指某物的价格非常昂贵,需要花一大笔钱。 2. Its daylight robbery!这简直是漫天要价! 这句话中的表达daylight robbery突出...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 7

    20-09-16 When the boys were gone a lull fell upon Plumfield, and the family scattered to various places for brief outings, as August had come and all felt the need of change. The Professor took Mrs Jo to the mountains. The Laurences were at the seashore, and...

  • 华为发布鲲鹏920服务器CPU

    19-01-07 Huawei on Monday launched the Kunpeng 920, a faster ARM-based server CPU, bringing global computing power to the next level. 本周一,华为发布了更快的基于ARM架构的鲲鹏920服务器处理器,将全球计算能力推向一个新的台阶。 The Kunpeng 920 is the industrys...

  • The Interrogation

    16-05-17 The Interrogation Amit Majmudar When they leathered his arm to the armrest and began like manicurists in a nail salon he says that he retreated from his hand until the part of him that dwelt there once was gone and heard no news from his own outer r...

  • 水仙花与稳定的结构设计

    16-05-11 In 1940, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed in dramatic fashion, twisting in the wind before it snapped and plunged into the water below. As wind blew across the span, the flow induced oscillating sideways forces that helped bring down the bridge -...

  • Memorial

    16-01-13 Memorial Dave Smith Today on the 17th fairway I stepped over the gutted, dried out corpse, not quite the length of my arm once, now more papery shell than any fish, and yet moccasin still. The triangular head had been halved, a six-iron maybe, swung...