• 服用阿司匹林会增加怀男孩的可能性

    16-07-16 Women who take an aspirin before sex may increase the likelihood of conceiving a baby boy, suggest researchers. 美国的研究人员发现,女性若在性生活前服用阿司匹林,怀上男孩的可能性会增加。 In a recent study, women with a history of miscarriages were m...

  • 服用阿司匹林能降低20%患癌风险

    16-04-21 Patients receiving cancer treatment could increase their chance of survival by up to 20% and help stop their cancer from spreading by taking a low-dose of aspirin, new research suggests. In a systematic review of the available scientific literature...

  • 阿司匹林能提高胃肠癌患者存活率

    15-09-28 Vienna, Austria: Aspirin improves survival in patients with tumours situated throughout the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, results from a large study in The Netherlands show. This is the first time that survival data from patients with tumours in diff...

  • 阿司匹林能降低胃癌肠癌死亡率

    14-08-06 Taking aspirin every day can reduce the chance of developing or dying from bowel and stomach cancers, a review of all available evidence suggests. 已有的所有证据都表明,每天服用阿司匹林可以降低肠癌和胃癌感染率或死亡率。 And scientists predict if eve...

  • 阿司匹林可延缓脑萎缩

    12-10-08 An aspirin a day may slow brain decline in elderly women at high risk of cardiovascular disease, research finds. 研究发现,有高风险患心血管疾病的老年女性每天服用一片阿司匹林可延缓脑萎缩。 Around 500 at risk women, between the ages of 70 to 92, were...

  • 每天服用阿司匹林能降低肠癌死亡率1/3

    12-04-26 Bowel cancer patients who take daily aspirin could cut their chance of dying from the disease by about a third, experts believe. 专家们相信,肠癌患者每天服用阿司匹林能将死亡率降低1/3。 A study in the British Journal of Cancer looked at 4,500 bowel c...

  • 定期服用阿司匹林降低遗传性癌症发病率

    11-10-30 Scientists including those from Queen's University have discovered that taking regular aspirin halves the risk of developing hereditary(遗传的) cancers. Hereditary cancers are those which develop as a result of a gene fault inherited from a parent...

  • 阿司匹林能预防肠癌

    11-10-28 A daily dose of aspirin should be given to people at high risk of bowel cancer, say scientists. 科学家称,有高风险患肠癌的人应该每天服用阿司匹林。 Two pills a day for two years reduced the incidence of bowel cancer by 63% in a group of 861 at-risk p...

  • 服用少量阿司匹林可提高结直肠癌检测正确率

    10-12-08 Use of low-dose aspirin prior to a newer type of fecal(排泄物的,残渣的) occult blood(潜隐血) test is associated with a higher sensitivity for detecting advanced colorectal(结肠直肠的) tumors, compared to no aspirin use, according to a study i...
