• 父母可参与自闭症儿童治疗过程

    12-02-27 Children with autism(自闭症) spectrum disorders who also have serious behavioral problems responded better to medication combined with training for their parents than to treatment with medication alone, Yale researchers and their colleagues report...

  • TBL1X基因缺陷可导致自闭症

    11-11-06 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects about 1 in 100 children resulting in a range of problems in language, communication and understanding other people's emotional cues, all of which can lead to difficulties in social situations. Boys are three to...

  • 出生体重过低的婴儿易患自闭症

    11-10-18 Babies born weighing less than 1.8kg could be more prone to developing autism than children born at normal weight, a study suggests. 一项调查显示,出生时体重低于1.8千克的婴儿比正常体重的婴儿更容易患上自闭症。 Writing in Pediatrics journal, US resear...

  • 自闭症能改变大脑的分子结构

    11-05-26 For decades, autism(自闭症) researchers have faced a baffling riddle: how to unravel a disorder that leaves no known physical trace as it develops in the brain. Now a UCLA study is the first to reveal how the disorder makes its mark at the molecul...

  • 18个月胎儿自闭症检测不一定准确

    11-05-04 Extremely premature infants who screen positive for autism spectrum disorder (ASD, 泛自闭症障碍症候群 ) at 18 months of age may not actually have autism. Rather, they may fail screening tests due to an unrelated cognitive or language delay, accordi...

  • 新疗法可能恢复自闭症患者的社交能力

    10-12-09 Eastern Virginia Medical School researchers have identified a potential novel treatment strategy for the social impairment(损伤) of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), an aspect of the condition that has a profound impact on quality of li...

  • 精神病药物可用于治疗儿童自闭症

    10-05-03 Behavioral interventions(干预,干涉) typically are the first line of treatment to manage unwanted behaviors in children with autism(孤独症) spectrum disorders (ASDs). If behaviors do not improve, medications frequently are added to the mix. Rese...

  • 新研究为治疗自闭症提供了希望

    10-04-09 A new discovery raises hope that autism(孤独症,自闭症) may be more easily diagnosed and that its effects may be more reversible(可逆的,可撤销的) than previously thought. In a new study appearing online in The FASEB Journal (http://www.fasebj.o...

  • 研究人员使用统一的方法解释自闭症

    10-01-05 A researcher from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has defined a new, integrated整合的 interpretation解释 of Autism Spectrum Disorders自闭症 (ASD), which makes it easier to understand both the commonalities平民,共性 and differences between ASD an...

  • Adults with autism 'cast adrift' 英国自闭症青年被“放任自流

    09-10-15 Adults with autism in England are often not being diagnosed or supported properly, MPs say. 英国议员称,国内患有孤独症的青年经常没有得到适当的诊断或帮助。 Adults with autism do not get proper support, MPs say The Commons' Public Accounts Committee s...