• bring home the bacon 赚钱谋生、养家糊口

    22-06-28 Bring home the bacon: to earn money to support the family 赚钱谋生、养家糊口 例: James does overtime so that he can bring home the bacon. 詹姆斯经常加班赚钱养家。...

  • 10个和钱有关的地道表达

    22-05-26 1. break the bank 太贵,花钱太多,倾家荡产 John knew that renting the ocean view apartment would break the bank, so he settled for a smaller apartment. 约翰知道租一个海景公寓会花光他所有的钱,所以他选了一个小点的。 2. bring home the bacon 赚钱,养家...

  • 食物类生活常用谚语

    22-05-11 piece of cake 小菜一碟 The math test was a piece of cake. 数学测试很简单。 to go bananas 抓狂,歇斯底里 He went bananas. 他神经错乱了。 bring home the bacon 养家糊口 My husband brings home the bacon. 我丈夫赚钱养家。 have bigger fish to fry 另有要事...

  • bring home the bacon 养家糊口

    21-07-12 Bacon 培根是熏猪肉片的意思,它是英国人饭桌上常见的一种食物。但口语表达bring home the bacon 把培根带回家的含义和这种事物无关,而是指在外挣钱,从而维持家庭生计,也就是养家糊口的意思。 例句 My father stays home and takes care of us and my mother brings...

  • 西雅图某公司推出培根香味内裤

    15-12-04 For anyone still wondering what to get the person who has everything this Christmas, one Seattle-based company might well have come up with the perfect unique - and bizarre - solution in the form of bacon-scented underwear. 如果你发愁送什么圣诞礼物...

  • 重庆禁止烟熏肉以缓解空气污染

    15-01-22 Residents in Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality have been banned from making smoked bacon, a traditional method of preserving pork, as it is blamed for causing foul air in the city. 中国西南部城市重庆市市民被禁止制作熏肉(一种保存猪肉的传统方...

  • 孕妇宜多食咸肉、蛋类

    10-01-05 If you're pregnant and looking for an excuse to eat bacon咸肉,腌肉 and eggs, now you've got one: a new research study published in the January 2010 print issue of the FASEB Journal (http://www.fasebj.org) by a team of University of North Carolina r...
