• thought的多个用法

    23-01-29 1 动词 thought 是 think 的过去式,意思是 想,思考;觉得。 I thought of you yesterday. He thought that film was funny. 2 可数名词 thought 可以表示 想法,主意。 Ive just had a thought! We should go to the beach. Theres a thought! Lets order pizza. 3...

  • 描述走路方式的四个动词

    22-12-08 1. Stroll 的意思是 为了放松而走路,散步,既可以作动词用,也可以作名词用。 We strolled by the river yesterday. It was lovely. We took a stroll around the park to get some fresh air. He is going for a stroll along the beach. 2. 动词 pace 有 来回踱步...

  • 英国海滨度假传统项目的英语表达

    22-11-02 每遇夏季闲暇时间,英国人便纷纷携家带口迫不及待地奔向海滩,享受蓝天、白云和一望无际的大海。在英国海滨度假,有很多传统项目一定要做,你知道它们是什么吗? 1. A British seaside tradition that youll find on some beaches and thats loved by children is a Pu...

  • 天气开场白

    22-08-17 Beautiful day, isnt it? 今天天气真好啊,不是吗? How about this weather? 今天天气怎样? Can you believe all of this rain weve been having? 你能相信这几天一直在下雨吗? It looks like its going to rain cats and dogs. 看起来要下暴雨了。 Wouldnt you lov...

  • 接地气儿的习语 6

    22-07-06 Beats me 我不知道、问倒我了 例句: Beats me why he was so mean to you. 我不明白他为什么对你这么不好。 Beat someone to it 抢先一步 例句: If we do not take step immediately, someone will beat us to it, which means big loss for us. 如果我们不立即行动...

  • sheer from the ground 拔地而起

    22-03-22 拔地而起,汉语成语,指山峰、植物、建筑物等高耸在地面上。形容从地面上突兀而起,非常陡峭、高耸。可以翻译为sheer from the ground或rise steeply from the ground。 例句: 悬崖从海滩上拔地而起。 The cliffs rise sheer from the beach. 许多高楼大厦在这座城市...