• 和宠物同床睡觉是否有助于睡眠?

    21-11-10 很多人都觉得和宠物睡在一起不卫生,但是对于爱宠人士而言,这根本不是问题。跟宠物同床而眠对身心健康到底是利大于弊,还是弊大于利?来听听科学家怎么说。 In the quest for better sleep, people often ask if they should share their bed with a pet. Before we g...

  • Bedicine 睡眠良药

    21-10-09 Bedicine 睡眠良药 英文释义: When all you need to get better is time in your bed. 只有睡眠才能解救你的时候,你就可以用这个词。例如: After 12 hours of bedicine my sickness for work had left. 睡了12小时后,我的工作后遗症终于好了。...

  • 谈论“家务”的词汇

    21-10-02 家务活对很多人来说都非常枯燥无趣,还会占用很多的时间。近年来,一个不做家务日的冷门节日让人在节日里光明正大、毫不愧疚地逃避家务,去做自己喜欢做的事。洗碗、熨衣服、扫尘等日常杂务用英语怎么说?做下面的《英语小测验》,学习和家务活有关的词汇。 1. My flat...

  • 日常英语中的陈词滥调

    21-10-02 单词cliche来自法语,它的意思是老生常谈、陈词滥调。英语中有些习语、句子和短语被使用的频率很高,人们听多了后就觉得这些词语变得没有什么意思了。你还在使用这些老套的词语吗?做下面六道题,让你的英语词汇与时俱进。 1. Complete the cliche which means that a...

  • 7点起床,几点入睡合适?

    21-09-15 A good nights sleep is important and if you want to get the most out of your bedtime ritual then its key that you go to bed and get up at the right time. 优质的睡眠非常重要,如果你想获得充分的休息,那么正确的入睡和起床时间是关键。 7点起床,几点入睡...

  • 暖心的毒舌

    21-07-01 My prince is not coming on a white horse. Hes obviously riding a turtle somewhere really confused... 我的王子并没有骑着白马向我走来,很显然他正在哪儿骑着乌龟困惑不已 Dear Bestfriend, please stay in my life forever because youre one of the best thing...

  • 《玩具总动员》第3章

    21-06-23 Woody lay beneath the bed as he listened to Andy and his friends chatter. Look, Andy said. You press his back and he does a karate-chop action. Come on down, guys! Mrs. Davis called up the stairs. Its time for games. Weve got prizes! Oh, yeah! Andy...

  • 《玩具总动员》第1章

    21-06-23 In the bedroom of young Andy Davis, a desperate outlaw was about to be captured. As a group of toys gathered in a quiet western townmade out of a row of cardboard boxes the outlaw suddenly appeared. All right, everyone, this is a stickup! said Andy...

  • 赖床

    21-03-13 赖床可能是很多人一天当中最幸福的时刻。 当你说I can stay in bed on weekends!,老外可能会问你What will you do when stay in bed? 原来stay in bed只是表达了在床上。那赖床应该怎么说呢? 睡懒觉 When you sleep in, you remain in bed until later than usual. T...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 7

    21-01-24 THE year that followed was the saddest Christie had ever known, for she suffered a sort of poverty which is more difficult to bear than actual want, since money cannot lighten it, and the rarest charity alone can minister to it. Her heart was empty...