• 普京期待与习近平在一带一路论坛上会面

    17-04-27 Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he looks forward to meeting Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Belt and Road Forum on International Cooperation to be held in Beijing next month. 俄罗斯总统普京表示,他十分期待下月在北京举办的一带一路国际...

  • “一带一路”航天创新联盟成立

    17-04-24 A coalition was established Sunday in northwest Chinas Shaanxi Province to promote innovation and cooperation on space exploration under the the Belt and Road Initiative. 一带一路航天创新联盟成立大会周日在陕西省举行。 The coalition, set up in the pr...

  • 中国与一带一路国家签署130多份运输协议

    17-04-21 China has signed more than 130 bilateral and regional transport agreements with countries involved in the Belt and Road, the Ministry of Transport said Thursday. 交通部周四表示,中国已与参与一带一路的国家签署了130多份双边以及区域运输协议。 Spokesman...

  • 中国公司在一带一路国家投资上涨

    17-04-19 Chinese companies investment in countries along the Belt and Road rose again in Q1. 2017第一季度,在一带一路国家投资的中国公司数量再次上涨。 From January to March, Chinese enterprises invested 2.95 billion U.S. dollars in 43 countries along the Belt...

  • 普京确认将参加一带一路论坛

    17-04-14 Russian President Vladimir Putin said here on Thursday that he is glad to attend the Belt and Road Forum for international cooperation to be held in Beijing on May 14-15. 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京周四表示,他很高兴参加5月14日至15日在北京举行的一带一...

  • 首列英国开往中国的货运列车发车

    17-04-11 The first China-bound cargo train carrying British products left London on Monday for an eastern Chinese city, highlighting another historic moment in the China-initiated Belt and Road Initiative. 本周一,首列开往中国东部某市的货运列车满载英国商品驶...

  • 中央电视台上映纪录片《一带一路》

    16-09-05 A documentary series, The Belt and Road, are launched on Monday at China Central Television. 中国中央电视台周一开始播放《一带一路》系列纪录片。 The six episodes are a production around the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk R...

  • One Belt and One Road 一带一路

    15-04-22 We should prepare timetables and road maps for the coming years for the ' One Belt and One Road ' project, Xi said when presiding over the eighth meeting of the Central Leading Group on Financial and Economic Affairs on Tuesday. 国家主席习近平本周二...

  • Silk Road economic belt 丝绸之路经济带

    14-09-02 He said China's proposal of building the Silk Road economic belt , based on the idea of common development and prosperity, aims to better connect the Asian and European markets, will enrich the idea of the Silk Road with a new meaning, and benefit a...

  • Roadside inferno 火海救援

    10-03-24 Looks like a brush fire(灌木丛火灾), Kim Cooper thought as she spotted an orange glow ahead on Interstate 75. It was near dusk(黄昏) , and she and her husband, Steve, were trucking through northern Kentucky hauling(搬运,牵引) auto parts from...