• 珊瑚礁并非鱼类生物多样性最丰富的地方

    13-09-26 Teeming with species, tropical coral reefs have been long thought to be the areas of greatest biodiversity for fishes and other marine life -- and thus most deserving of resources for conservation. But a new global study of reef fishes reveals a sur...

  • 小型水电站有损生态系统

    13-06-19 Researchers conclude in a new report that a global push for small hydropower(水力发电) projects, supported by various nations and also the Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, may cause unanticipated and potentially significant losse...

  • 稀有物种在生态环境中的作用是独特的

    13-05-29 A new study, published 28 May in the open access journal PLOS Biology, has revealed the potential importance of rare species in the functioning of highly diverse ecosystems. Using data from three very different ecosystems -- coral reefs, tropical fo...

  • 生物多样性研究需要加强

    12-12-04 University of Florida scientists have co-authored a study describing a new Lepidoptera species found in Jamaica's last remaining wilderness. Belonging to the family of skipper butterflies, the new genus and species is the first butterfly discovered...

  • 保护热带雨林以保护物种多样性

    11-09-15 A team of researchers from Singapore, Australia, Switzerland, the UK and the USA has carried out a comprehensive assessment to estimate the impact of disturbance(干扰,骚乱) and land conversion on biodiversity in tropical forests. In a recent stud...

  • 各物种与生物多样性息息相关

    11-08-20 As biodiversity declines worldwide, there is concern that this will lead to declines in the services that ecosystems provide for people, such as food production, carbon storage, and water purification. But until now it has been unclear, whether just...

  • 改变策略以保持物种多样性

    11-04-19 Active efforts are required to preserve biodiversity in the seas that far most people are in agreement. But in our enthusiasm to save uncommon species, we sometimes miss the common species that form the basis(基础,底部) of marine ecosystems. 'Cha...

  • 生物多样性丧失的生态效应被低估

    10-12-01 The risk of dying from a heat wave is highest when heat waves occur early in the summer and are hotter and longer than usual, according to a Yale study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP). During the first heat wave of a...

  • 全球海洋生物分布模型完成

    10-07-30 In an unprecedented effort that will be published online on the 28th of July by the international journal Nature, a team of scientists mapped and analyzed global biodiversity patterns for over 11,000 marine species ranging from tiny zooplankton(浮...

  • 物种灭绝的威胁增加

    09-11-03 More than a third of species assessed in a major international biodiversity study are threatened with extinction, s cientists have warned. 科学家警告,一项主要的国际生物多样性研究评估得出结论,超过三分之一的物种处于灭绝的危险之中。 The Kihansi spray...