• bitch用法大全

    22-08-08 毋庸置疑,bitch在英语中使用的非常普遍,无处不在,但它并不像你想的那么简单。 Bitch的字面意思是母狗,称一个女人为 Bitch,有两种意思。 1. 招人烦、让人不快的女人: 称一个女人为bitch绝对是不礼貌的,但是在很多情况下,它并没有whore(妓女)那么恶劣。 He did...

  • Resting Bitch Face Syndrome 天生臭脸综合征

    15-08-26 Resting Bitch Face Syndrome is when somebody is relaxing, listening to another speak, driving, pushing a grocery cart, or otherwise mellow but their facial expression is semi-murderous. They look annoyed, angry, frustrated, irritated, or pissed. The...

  • 《甄嬛传》热门台词翻译

    13-09-05 1. 贱人真是矫情 搞笑版:bitch is so bitch。 正解:Bitch is so bitching。 解读:bitch意指贱人。后面的bitching是名词动用。当然还有很多翻法,比如在愤怒时也可直接说you,bitch,言简意赅。此外,bitch是一个有些夸张的词,也有很多替代词,比如low等。 2. 这真真...

  • 《爱情与灵药》四

    12-06-06 精彩对白 Bruce: Your problem is you don't know how to close! You gotta tell the docs what they need. Somebody says no, that's when the fun starts. That means you are in. Jamie: My numbers are up. Bruce: Your Zithromax is up. Big deal . We're not goi...
