• 验血能预测自杀倾向

    14-08-04 A blood test that can predict whether someone may attempt suicide has been developed by scientists in a breakthrough which could prevent hundreds of deaths. 研究人员取得科研突破,通过验血来预测人们是否具有自杀倾向,从而防止众多悲剧发生。 American re...

  • 科学家发现捕获杀灭疟原虫的方法

    14-07-19 Scientists may be able to entomb(埋葬) the malaria parasite in a prison of its own making, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis report July 16 in Nature. As it invades a red blood cell, the malaria parasite takes pa...

  • 某化合物可能阻止脑部异常血栓的形成

    14-06-30 Without a steady supply of blood, neurons can't work. That's why one of the culprits behind Alzheimer's disease is believed to be the persistent blood clots that often form in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, contributing to the condition's hallm...

  • Gaius Suetonius Paulinus

    14-06-23 Gaius Suetonius Paulinus Mark Ford Gaius Suetonius Paulinus at that time controlled Britain. According to rumor, which loves to pit one man against another, he had grown deeply envious of Corbulo, and yearned to equal his rival's recovery of Armenia...

  • 空气污染易引发心率不齐与肺血栓

    14-06-06 Air pollution is linked to increased risk of developing an irregular heartbeat and blood clots in the lung, research suggests. 研究发现,空气污染会使人患心率不齐与肺血栓的危险增大。 The impact of air pollution on the risk of heart attack and stroke...

  • 某蛋白质可能引领疟疾疫苗的研发

    14-05-26 Rhode Island Hospital researchers have discovered a protein that is essential for malaria-causing parasites to escape from inside red blood cells. Antibodies to this protein trap the parasite inside these red blood cells. This protein could lead to...

  • 利用荧光蛋白追踪血液里的癌细胞

    14-05-09 After cancer spreads, finding and destroying malignant(恶性的) cells that circulate in the body is usually critical to patient survival. Now, researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Chemistry Biology have developed a new method that allows...

  • 打哈欠可以使大脑降温

    14-05-07 Common belief is that yawning(打哈欠) helps to increase the oxygen supply. However, previous research has failed to show an association between yawning and blood oxygen levels. New research by a team of researchers led by Psychologist Andrew Gallu...

  • 血糖低的人可能与配偶发生争吵

    14-04-16 Lower levels of blood sugar may make married people angrier at their spouses and even more likely to lash out(猛击,痛斥) aggressively, new research reveals. In a 21-day study, researchers found that levels of blood glucose in married people, meas...

  • 血糖对检测心血管疾病毫无益处

    14-03-27 In a study that included nearly 300,000 adults without a known history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease (CVD), adding information about glycated hemoglobin ( HbA1c糖化血红蛋白 ), a measure of longer-term blood sugar control, to conventional CVD...