• 中国科学家发现癌症血液快速检测法

    17-05-02 Scientists around the world are striving for effective detection of cancer in the early stages, and a Chinese scientist may have found a quick way of knowing whether malignant tumors exist in a patients body, with just one drop of blood. 全世界的科...

  • 血检可以测出肿瘤的生长位置

    17-03-15 A blood test for cancer can now show where in the body a tumour is growing, without the need for a painful biopsy. 一种癌症的血液检测方法可以测出肿瘤在体内生长的位置,而不需要进行活组织检测。 Liquid biopsies are hoped to revolutionise cancer treatme...

  • 9年前男子献血救到现女友 这缘分我给满分

    17-01-20 A woman in Taiwan discovered the anonymous blood donor who saved her life nine years ago, turned out to be her own beloved fianc. She had been searching for him since he saved her life! 台湾一名女子发现九年前救她性命的匿名献血者竟然是她心爱的未婚夫...

  • 可以使大脑更加敏锐的生活习惯

    16-10-06 STAYING CURIOUS Learning new skills leads to better neuroplasticity the brains ability to form new connections between existing neurons, explains Dr Brockis. It used to be thought we only had a short period of relative plasticity in early childhood....

  • 二手大麻烟雾一分钟即可损坏血管

    16-07-29 Rats blood vessels took at least three times longer to recover function after only a minute of breathing secondhand marijuana smoke, compared to recovery after a minute of breathing secondhand tobacco smoke, according to new research in Journal of t...

  • economy class syndrome 经济舱综合征

    16-06-03 Economy class syndrome : The formation of blood clots in veins deep within the legs -- deep vein thrombosis -- occurring during (or just after) a long airplane flight, especially in economy class (tourist class) where there is the least space allott...

  • 以下7个因素会让蚊子爱上你

    16-05-24 1. People with type O blood tend to attract more mosquitoes than people with other blood types. 2. Malaria carrying mosquitoes were attracted to pregnant women twice as much as non-pregnant women in a study. In light of Zikas link to birth defects,...

  • 土豆摄入过多易导致高血压

    16-05-18 Higher intakes of boiled, baked, or mashed potatoes, and French fries is associated with an increased risk of developing high blood pressure (hypertension) in adult women and men, according to a study published by The BMJ today. The US-based researc...

  • 丝蛋白可在高温下保存血样

    16-05-11 Researchers at Tufts University have stabilized blood samples for long periods of time without refrigeration and at high temperatures by encapsulating them in air-dried silk protein. The technique, which is published online this week in the Proceedi...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 47

    16-05-05 It was nearly two hours before day-break; that time which in the autumn of the year, may be truly called the dead of night; when the streets are silent and deserted; when even sounds appear to slumber, and profligacy and riot have staggered home to...