• 贫困人口基本医保的参保率稳定在99.9%

    20-11-23 The basic health insurance has paid 330 billion yuan for poor farmers since 2018 as part of a broader move to curb absolute poverty.The benefits helped about 10 million impoverished families escape poverty, and the plans participation rate has stabi...

  • 验血 “可以检测50多种癌症”

    20-11-21 科学家们说,有一种新型血液检查常在患者表现出任何征兆或症状前就能检测出50多种癌症。专家们希望,当肿瘤仍处于易被医治或能被完全治愈的阶段时,这项检查可帮助医生们提前诊断出肿瘤的存在。 Doctors already have ways to screen for cancer, but a single blood t...

  • 一些有趣的表达恐惧的方式 1

    20-11-20 1 Heebie-jeebies 焦躁不安 These unusual words are used to express a feeling of fear and being uncomfortable. 这些不寻常的词语用来表达恐惧和不舒服的感觉。 That movie gave me the heebie-jeebies. 那部电影让我焦躁不安。 2 Make your blood run cold 胆战心...

  • 《科学美国人》2020十大新兴技术 上

    20-11-20 1 Microneedles Could Enable Painless Injections and Blood Draws Barely visible needles, or microneedles, are poised to usher in an era of pain-free injections and blood testing. Whether attached to a syringe or a patch, microneedles prevent pain by...

  • make someone's blood run cold 毛骨悚然

    20-08-29 毛骨悚然,汉语成语,意思是毛发竖起,脊梁骨发冷;形容恐惧惊骇的样子(with ones hair standing on end; be absolutely terrified),令人毛骨悚然可以翻译为make someones blood run cold,表示to cause one to feel frightened or unnerved。 例句: 黑暗中的脚步...

  • E-thrombosis 电子血栓症

    18-05-05 E-thrombosis refers to the formation of blood clots caused by sitting at a computer for prolonged periods. 电子血栓症指的是由于长时间坐在电脑前面而导致形成血栓。 Spending all day at your desk and most of the evening in front of a computer could kill...

  • 旧金山一家公司提供年轻血浆注射服务

    17-09-18 It may sound like a gruesome technique used by a vampire to get his daily fix. 这也许听上去就像是吸血鬼用的恐怖方法,靠每日吸血来维持日常状态。 But top executives in Silicon Valley are turning to blood from young people in the search for the biologi...

  • 百度公布奇葩搜索前12名排行榜

    17-08-06 A list of top 12 weird searches revealed by Baidu, the leading search engine in China, boomed recently, showing the wild imagination of Chinese web users. 国内搜索引擎巨头百度公布了奇葩搜索问题前12名排行榜,这份近日备受关注的榜单展示了国内网友的奇葩...

  • 干细胞有望用于造血

    17-05-24 Blood donors may no longer be needed in the future after scientists showed it was possible to create blood from stem cells. 科学家们表明干细胞有望用于造血,未来可能不再需要献血者。 The 20 year project could pave the way for an unlimited number of bl...

  • 中国骨髓捐献志愿者数量超230万

    17-05-09 Potential donors enlisted in Chinas marrow donor program exceeded 2.3 million in 2016, the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) said Monday. 中国红十字会周一表示,中国骨髓捐赠项目的潜在捐献者数量已经超过230万。 Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are multi...