• funny bone 笑点

    22-03-01 funny bone 指的是(肘上)尺骨端,不小心戳到的话,会有酥麻的感觉。引申为人的笑点,也形容某人的幽默感。 The 2010 Emmy Award winner for best comedy continues to tickle the funny bone with its second season. 作为2010年艾美奖喜剧类最佳剧集得主,该剧的第...

  • not have a bad bone in one's body 一点坏心眼都没有,心地善良

    21-11-11 表达 not have a bad bone in ones body(没有一根坏骨头) 用来比喻某人 诚实善良,没有任何负面的性格特征。 例句 I dont think Rita stole your lunch she hasnt got a bad bone in her body. 我不认为是丽塔偷了你的午饭,她这人一点坏心眼都没有。 Wang Jing hasn...

  • work one's fingers to the bone 拼命工作

    21-07-07 Work ones fingers to the bone的字面意思是工作到连手上的骨头都露出来了,其实际要表达的意思是长期辛苦工作,拼命地工作。人们常用这个表达来告诉他人自己是如何费了很大精力来做一件事情。 例句 She worked her fingers to the bone to feed the family. 她拼了命...

  • bone up 苦学,突击钻研

    20-11-08 如果你 bone up on something,意思就是 你深入研究一个话题,尽可能多地了解它。人们可能会在考试或求职面试前 bone up on something。这是一个非正式短语。 例句 I need to bone up on chemistry before my exam next week. 我需要在下周的考试前苦攻一下化学。 I wa...

  • 纽约餐馆推出骨汤冰棍

    16-07-26 Anyone who was left scratching his or her head at the bone broth diet craze is going to be particularly flabbergasted by the latest development in the trend. 对骨汤饮食热潮大惑不解的人们势必要对这一潮流的最新发展目瞪口呆了。 New York City restaurant...

  • “灰”色的同义词

    15-05-12 grizzly adj. 灰色的 n. 灰熊 grysande (苏格兰语)灰色 hoary adj. 久远的,古老的;灰白的 leaden adj. 铅灰色的;铅制的;沉闷的;铅一般重的 vt. 使沉重;使懒散;使呆滞 London smoke 伦敦烟灰色 Payne's grey 佩恩的灰蓝、红、黑和永久的白颜料的复合色。 pewter...

  • A Greedy Dog

    14-12-18 A greedy dog went into a butchers shop and stole a big juicy bone. He ran away so fast that the butcher could not catch him. He ran out into the fields with his bone. He was going to eat it all by himself. The dog came to a stream. There was a narro...

  • 新技术可使超声波穿透骨骼或金属

    14-11-25 Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a technique that allows ultrasound to penetrate bone or metal, using customized structures that offset the distortion usually caused by these so-called aberrating layers. We've designed...

  • 珊瑚或将广泛用于骨移植手术

    13-11-30 Sea coral could soon be used more extensively in bone grafting(骨移植) procedures thanks to new research that has refined the material's properties and made it more compatible with natural bone. By partially converting calcium carbonate - found in...

  • 酗酒影响骨愈合

    13-10-20 Physicians have long observed that binge drinking(酗酒,豪饮) can significantly impair the healing process following a bone fracture. Now a study by Loyola University Medical Center researchers is providing insights into how alcohol slows healing...