• 《怪兽大学》第1章

    23-01-18 One sunny morning, a bright yellow school bus rolled out of an elementary school parking lot. The fall leaves were turning brilliant colors against the blue sky, and children shouted noisily from the bus. They were excited because they were going on...

  • bone up 强化学习

    22-08-26 我的一个同事最近每天都到驾校去练车,为考驾照做准备。她告诉我说,I need to bone up,意思是我得加紧练。其实,她也可以说I need to bone up on my driving skill. 如果句子里说明了强化学习或是练习的内容,我们就得加上一个介词on. 我们听听下面这个人中彩后的打...

  • 英泰晤士河发现五千年前人类骨骼

    22-03-04 On a fine September day last year, Simon Hunt took his boat from Team Keane Rowing Club down to the River Thames at Brentford, just as he normally does most days. But on that day, he spotted something lurking in the shallows. 去年九月的一个晴朗的日...