• 英国概况 2

    21-10-06 6. Britain has, for centuries, been tilting with the northwest slowly rising, and the southeast slowly sinking. The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands. The southeast and east are mainly lowlands. 7. The pennies, a range of hills running...

  • 国家移民管理局回应吴京微博

    19-04-26 A photo of the worlds highest-altitude police station posted by the Chinese actor-director Wu Jing on Weibo was corrected by the National Immigration Administration in a post that has gone viral on social media in China. 吴京一条世界上海拔最高的派出...

  • 朝韩两国开始将军级军事会谈

    18-07-31 South Korea and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) started general-level military talks Tuesday morning at the border village of Panmunjom to discuss measures to reduce tension in border areas. 本周二上午,朝韩两国将军级军事会谈在边境村...

  • 中缅同意维护边界稳定

    18-06-29 China and Myanmar has agreed to maintain peace and security in their border area. 中国与缅甸同意在边界区域维持和平与安定。 The agreement was made by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and U Kyaw Tint Swe, Myanmars minister of the office of the State C...

  • common border force 共同边境部队

    16-02-27 Brussels is to propose the creation of a standing European common border force that could take control of the bloc's external frontiers - even if a government objected. 布鲁塞尔方面将提议组建一支欧洲常备的共同边境部队,由它在必要情况下控制欧盟的外部...

  • border trade zone 互市贸易区

    15-07-29 A border trade zone between China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), located in northeast China's Liaoning Province, has been approved, the provincial government announced on July 13. 辽宁省政府7月13日宣布,已批准在该省设立中朝互...

  • border roaming 边界漫游

    15-05-26 Imagine using your mobile phone and then being hammered for border roaming charges without leaving your home. That's what happens daily for residents near regional borders. 在自己家用手机也要被扣边界漫游费,这种情况每天都发生在行政区划交界处的居民身...

  • 利比里亚关闭多数边境通道 阻止埃博拉病毒蔓延

    14-07-29 Most border crossings in Liberia have been closed and communities hit by an Ebola outbreak face quarantine to try to halt the spread of the virus. 利比里亚国内大多数边境通道已被关闭,埃博拉病毒传染的社区居民面临隔离检查以阻止病毒的蔓延。 Screening c...

  • border defense cooperation 边防合作

    13-12-11 China and India made a major step forward in their ties on Wednesday with an agreement on border defense cooperation and measures to promote regional economic integration. 中国和印度周三签署了边防合作协议和一系列促进区域经济一体化的协议,两国关系向...

  • border standoff 边界对峙

    13-09-26 Beijing confirmed on Monday that China and India have made positive developments in a three-week border standoff, and called for joint efforts to create a fair and reasonable border treaty. 中国政府周一表示,中国和印度两国就延续三周的边界对峙事件协...