• God's Food

    13-03-22 Once upon a time, there were two sisters, one of whom had no children and was rich, and the other had five and was a widow, and so poor that she no longer had food enough to satisfy herself and her children. In her need, therefore, she went to her s...

  • 新技术可使面包保质60天

    12-12-08 美国一家公司研发出一种新技术,可以将面包的保质期延长至60天。据悉,这种新技术是用一个复杂的微波阵列将面包中易导致发霉的孢子杀死,经过这样处理的面包保存60天也不会发霉,该技术也可用于蔬菜、水果等其它食物的保存。 An American company has developed a tech...

  • 烹饪用词

    12-09-24 Fry (cook in hot oil) 油炸 Roast (cook with dry heat, especially in an oven; for example duck) 烘烤(肉类) Pure (process food through a blender to make a soft pulp; for example tomato pure) 把做成酱、浓汤 Mince (chop, cut or grind into very small p...

  • I hope your bread gets better 我希望您的面包病好了

    12-07-18 I was making rolls and, needing a warm place for the dough to rise, put the bowl in a heating pad. Then I left the house on an errand(使命,差事) . When I came back, I found this note from my son: Dear Mom, I hope your bread gets better. 我在做面...

  • The Young King 6

    12-02-07 And the people laughed and said, 'It is the King's fool who is riding by,' and they mocked him. And he drew rein and said, 'Nay, but I am the King.' And he told them his three dreams. And a man came out of the crowd and spake bitterly to him, and sa...

  • Lucky Mother 幸运的母亲

    11-06-19 A young mother believed that it was very wrong to waste any food when there were so many hungry people in the world. One evening, she was giving her small daughterher tea before putting her to bed. First she gave her a slice of fresh brown bread and...

  • Black Loam

    11-05-26 Black Loam Jack Myers It's been another good year. I pitchfork(骤然塞进) my poems into the air over and over until the black grains of letters pile up into never before thought of things. All winter I'll pound them into dust and bake from that the...

  • Skunk

    10-10-26 We have a skunk(臭鼬) in the basement, shrieked(尖叫) the caller to the police dispatcher(警察调度员) . How can we get it out? Take some bread crumbs(面包碎屑) , said the dispatcher, and put down a trail from the basement out to the back yar...

  • 新品面包酵母或将问世

    10-03-22 What better venue(场所,地点) than San Francisco sourdough(拓荒者,酵母) capital of the world to unveil a new natural sourdough ingredient(要素,原料) that could replace conventional(常见的,惯例的) additives in a variety of other breads, wh...

  • Trouble breaks out at G20 summit G20峰会,麻烦爆发

    09-09-25 Trouble has flared as world leaders gather in the US city of Pittsburgh for the G20 summit. 世界首脑汇聚美国城市匹兹堡参加G20峰会期间,麻烦不断。 Thousands of extra police are on duty in Pittsburgh Reports said riot police used pepper gas and fired...