• 美国男子用起重机偷走18米长人行天桥

    21-12-28 据美联社报道,上个月,美国俄亥俄州一座长18米的人行天桥被盗,目前天桥已经找到,一名63岁男子正面临相关指控。警方声称,他向一家卡车运输公司支付了起重机服务费,将桥偷运走。 A 58-foot-long (18-meter) pedestrian bridge stolen from an Ohio city last month...

  • to bridge the gap 缩小差距

    21-12-28 如果有人说 to bridge the gap, 意思就是把两个完全不同的事情联系起来,汉语里的意思是缩小差距。 例句 The government will never be able to bridge the gap between the rich and poor. Grandparents can help to bridge the gap between generations by telling t...

  • 会唱歌的白骨 3

    21-10-04 The older brother was jealous of his little brother for catching the boar. The older brother dragged the sleeping younger brother and threw him below the bridge, where he died. 哥哥很嫉妒弟弟能抓住野猪。哥哥把睡着的弟弟拖出去,将他扔到桥下摔死了。 A...

  • 夏洛特的网 Chapter 9 上

    20-12-24 A spiders web is stronger than it looks. Although it is made of thin, delicate strands, the web is not easily broken. However, a web gets torn every day by the insects that kick around in it, and a spider must rebuild it when it gets full of holes....

  • 世界最长双层悬索桥在武汉开放通车

    19-10-11 A double-deck suspension bridge with the longest span in the world opened to traffic in Wuhan, capital of central Chinas Hubei Province, on Tuesday. 本周二世界上跨度最大的双层悬索桥在湖北武汉开放通车。 The first double-deck road bridge over the Yang...

  • “中国速度”让外国网友惊呆

    19-06-12 Many foreign netizens expressed their astonishment of China Speed after Xinhua published a video showing a bridge being demolished and cleared up in only two and a half hours. 新华社发布了一个视频,内容是两个半小时拆除并清理一座大桥,许多外国网友对...

  • 海南海文大桥开放通车

    19-03-19 The Haiwen Bridge opened to traffic Monday in the island province of Hainan as the first cross-sea bridge crossing active faults and the most earthquake-resistant bridge in China. 海南海文大桥周一开放通车,这是在活跃断层带上的第一座跨海大桥,同时也...

  • 苏州塔桥翻修将完工

    19-01-31 Renovations of Tower Bridge in the city of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province are set to be finished in March. 苏州伦敦塔桥修复工作将于3月完工。 The bridge, which is very similar to Tower Bridge in London, opened to traffic in 2009. Xiangcheng Traffic Inves...

  • 世界上第一座铁桥重新恢复深红棕色

    19-01-08 The worlds first iron bridge, spanning a gorge in an English county, was re-opened Monday night after a 4.6-million dollar restoration project. 世界上第一座铁桥,英国的伊尔福德桥,经过耗资460万美元的修复工程后于周一晚间重新向公众开放。 The iconic Ir...

  • 南京长江大桥开放通车

    18-12-29 Chinas first self-designed modern bridge over the Yangtze reopened to road traffic Saturday in the eastern city of Nanjing after a 26-month renovation. 中国首座自主设计的现代桥梁,南京长江大桥,经历26个月的整修之后周六再次开放通车。 As the first dou...