• 《机器人总动员》第14章

    22-12-14 On the ships bridge, Auto stood at attention, awaiting the arrival of the Captain. With a whir from his hover chair, the Captain finally entered the bridge. A coffee-bot rose from the console as WALL E scooted out of sight. Sir, Auto said, unblinkin...

  • 《机器人总动员》第13章

    22-12-14 The monorail glided across the lido deck, finally stopping at the entrance to the ships bridge. Gopher drove the transport into the bridges enormous lobby, where it stopped and beeped at the desk of a lonely typing-bot. A gate was lowered and the tr...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第15章

    22-09-07 Flynn and Rapunzel dashed down the tunnel to the end of the passageway. Suddenly it opened out onto a vast cavern, which was dotted with huge stone pillars rising from the earth far below. Nearby was a rickety wooden dam holding back a vast amount o...

  • 《头脑特工队》第8章

    22-09-02 Chapter 8 Joy and Sadness had finally made it across the bridge to Goofball Island and stepped carefully onto the lightline. Joy looked down into the deep darkness of the Memory Dump that loomed below her. Sadness was afraid, but walking the tightro...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 46

    22-07-21 Philip did not find living in Paris as cheap as he had been led to believe and by February had spent most of the money with which he started. He was too proud to appeal to his guardian, nor did he wish Aunt Louisa to know that his circumstances were...

  • a bridge too far 难以实现的目标

    22-06-28 a bridge too far 难以实现的目标 A bridge too far这个习语源自二战时期盟军的一次空降作战行动。作战目标是攻取11座具有战略意义的桥梁,打开通路直捣柏林,但是该作战行动在阿纳姆遭到惨败。据说,弗雷德里克布朗宁中将从一开始就对此作战持怀疑态度,在行动发起之...

  • water under the bridge 逝者如斯夫

    22-06-28 water under the bridge逝者如斯夫 无法重新来过或不值得再讨论的往事;另一种解释是很长时间过去了(a long time has passed)。 例: I should probably have asked for more money when I was offered the job, but hey, thats water under the bridge now. 我拿到...

  • paint the Forth Bridge 永无止尽的任务

    22-06-28 paint the Forth Bridge 永无止尽的任务 原指苏格兰中部的福斯铁路大桥表面刷漆的浩大工程,据说等到把桥梁全部油漆一遍之后,前面的已经褪色,就又得开始重新油漆了,所以paint the Forth Bridge意为永无止境的或艰巨的任务。 例: Keeping the countys roads in good...

  • bridge-and-tunnel 土包子

    22-06-28 bridge-and-tunnel 土包子 Bridge-and-tunnel原指来自纽约城郊区的人(相对于曼哈顿),他们来曼哈顿需要过大桥穿隧道,后来引申指土包子、无知的人、傻帽、思想狭隘的人,具有不懂世故或不入潮流的特点。可以缩写为BT或BNT。 例: The clubs are hopping tonight, but...

  • pass/make water 小便

    21-12-29 1 pass/make water 小便;小解(是不是有点儿形象呢) 例句: How often do you usually pass water? 你通常每天小便几次? 2 Its (all) water under the bridge. 已成往事;往事云烟 桥下的水一旦流过,就永远过去了,因此该句就是过去的事就不要再纠结的意思。 例句...