• 海洋微生物对气候变化有大影响

    12-10-26 In the future, warmer waters could significantly change ocean distribution of populations of phytoplankton(浮游植物) , tiny organisms that could have a major effect on climate change. Reporting in this week's online journal Science Express, resear...

  • 棕榈树的大面积种植导致碳排放上升

    12-10-08 Expanding production of palm oil, a common ingredient in processed foods, soaps and personal care products, is driving rainforest destruction and massive carbon dioxide emissions, according to a new study led by researchers at Stanford and Yale univ...

  • 盐沼能有效缓解气候变暖

    12-09-27 A warming climate and rising seas will enable salt marshes(盐沼) to more rapidly capture and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, possibly playing a role in slowing the rate of climate change, according to a new study led by a University of...

  • 地球生物的总质量比预算值低1/3

    12-08-28 Previous estimates about the total mass of all life on our planet have to be reduced by about one third. This is the result of a study by a German-U.S. science team published in the current online issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Scie...

  • 冷却的煤烟对环境的危害减少

    12-08-28 Refrigerating coal-plant emissions would reduce levels of dangerous chemicals that pour into the air -- including carbon dioxide by more than 90 percent -- at a cost of 25 percent efficiency, according to a simple math-driven formula designed by a t...

  • 只有2%的加拿大人否认气候变化

    12-08-27 Only two per cent of Canadians believe climate change is not occurring, a new important survey released August 24 by IPAC-CO2 Research Inc. concluded. The survey comes on the heels of Alberta Premier Alison Redford's recent push for a National Energ...

  • 一氧化碳会扰乱心脏节律

    12-08-06 The way that even low levels of carbon monoxide can be fatal, by disrupting the heart's rhythm, has been unravelled by researchers in Leeds. 利兹市的研究人员证实,低浓度的一氧化碳也可能致命,它会扰乱心脏节律。 They found that levels common in heavy...

  • 红树林能有效吸收二氧化碳

    12-08-02 Protecting mangroves to lock carbon away in trees may be an economic way to curb climate change, research suggests. 研究显示,保护红树林将碳锁定在树木中是抑制气候变化的一种经济方式。 Carbon credit schemes already exist for rainforests; the new work...

  • 南极洲曾有过热带气候

    12-08-02 Given the predicted rise in global temperatures in the coming decades, climate scientists are particularly interested in warm periods that occurred in the geological past. Knowledge of past episodes of global warmth can be used to better understand...

  • 森林大火使美国“碳仓库”减少

    12-07-26 Forests in the Pacific Northwest store more carbon than any other region in the United States, but our warming climate may undermine their storage potential. A new study conducted by the U.S. Forest Service's Pacific Northwest Research Station and t...