• 科学家发现月球上碳元素的来源

    10-07-02 Up to now scientists thought that the trace amounts(微量) of carbon on the surface of the Moon came from the solar wind. Now researchers at the Carnegie Institution's Geophysical Laboratory have detected and dated Moon carbon in the form of graphi...

  • 氮气可影响植物的光合作用

    10-07-01 As atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise, so does the pressure on the plant kingdom. The hope among policymakers, scientists and concerned citizens is that plants will absorb some of the extra CO2 and mitigate(减轻,缓和) the impacts of climate c...

  • 营养物、病毒与生物碳泵之相互联系

    10-07-01 Adding nutrients to the sea could decrease viral infection(病毒性感染) rates among phytoplankton(浮游植物) and enhance the efficiency of the biological pump, a means by which carbon is transferred from the atmosphere to the deep ocean, according...

  • 使用碳纳米管可显著增加锂电池容量

    10-06-21 Batteries might gain a boost in power capacity(功率容量) as a result of a new finding from researchers at MIT. They found that using carbon nanotubes for one of the battery's electrodes produced a significant increase up to tenfold in the amount o...

  • 二氧化碳对全球气候形成起主导作用

    10-06-18 Increasingly, the Earth's climate appears to be more connected than anyone would have imagined. El Nio, the weather pattern that originates in a patch(斑点,碎片) of the equatorial(赤道的) Pacific, can spawn(酿成,造成) heat waves and droughts...

  • 利用细菌可将石油转化为天然气

    10-06-18 Some bacteria destroy oil. Might those bacteria lead oil companies to change their methods of harvesting the energy of the oil while at the same time reducing the carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) that burning oil and gasoline(汽油) discharges into the a...

  • 二氧化碳排放增多 降低植物的调节气温作用

    10-05-04 Trees and other plants help keep the planet cool, but rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are turning down this global air conditioner. According to a new study by researchers at the Carnegie Institution for Science, in some regions mo...

  • “地球一小时”世界各地纷纷熄灯响应

    10-04-04 Europe's best known landmarks - including the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben and Rome's Colosseum - fell dark Saturday, following Sydney's Opera House and Beijing's Forbidden City in joining a global climate change protest, as lights were switched off across...

  • 海水酸化将影响海洋生态系统

    10-03-29 Acidification(酸化) of the oceans as a result of increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide could have significant effects on marine ecosystems(生态系统) , according to Michael Maguire presenting at the Society for General Microbiology's sp...

  • 鉴别葡萄酒新法:放射性CO2检测

    10-03-22 Two decades of atomic bomb testing in the atmosphere are yielding(出产,让步) an unexpected bonus for consumers, scientists reported here today at the 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS). It's a new test to determine whet...