• 气候变化与南极洋

    13-04-09 Scientists from Cardiff University and the University of Barcelona have discovered new clues about past rapid climate change. The research, published this month in the journal Nature Geoscience, concludes that oceanographic reorganisations and biolo...

  • 利用大气中的CO2制造燃料

    13-03-27 Excess carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere created by the widespread burning of fossil fuels is the major driving force of global climate change, and researchers the world over are looking for new ways to generate power that leaves a smaller carbon...

  • 极地高纬度地区未来降雪量将增加

    13-02-24 A new climate model predicts an increase in snowfall for Earth's polar regions and highest altitudes, but an overall drop in snowfall for the globe, as carbon dioxide levels rise over the next century. The decline in snowfall could spell trouble for...

  • 斯坦福科学家发现去除CO2新技术

    13-02-19 In his Feb. 12 State of the Union address, President Obama singled out climate change as a top priority for his second administration. We can choose to believe that Superstorm Sandy, and the most severe drought in decades, and the worst wildfires so...

  • 亚马逊雨林对全球碳循环的作用

    13-01-29 Earth's forests perform a well-known service to the planet, absorbing a great deal of the carbon dioxide pollution emitted into the atmosphere from human activities. But when trees are killed by natural disturbances, such as fire, drought or wind, t...

  • 消除碳纳米管的毒性

    13-01-17 Safety fears about carbon nanotubes, due to their structural similarity to asbestos(石棉) , have been alleviated following research showing that reducing their length removes their toxic properties, experts say. In a new study, published January 1...

  • 哪里有烟雾 哪里就有气候变化

    13-01-16 In addition to causing smoggy skies and chronic coughs, soot(煤烟,烟灰) -- or black carbon -- turns out to be the number two contributor to global warming. It's second only to carbon dioxide, according to a four-year assessment by an internationa...

  • 工程菌可利用太阳光制造燃料

    13-01-08 Chemists at the University of California, Davis, have engineered blue-green algae to grow chemical precursors(前体细胞) for fuels and plastics -- the first step in replacing fossil fuels as raw materials for the chemical industry. Most chemical fe...

  • carbon-based error 人为故障

    12-12-28 A carbon-based error refers to a problem with a computer or a program that is caused by the user rather than the machine. All life on earth depends on carbon, which forms the molecular bonds that make life possible. Therefore, to say that an error i...

  • 2011年温室气体含量创新高

    12-11-21 Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere hit a new record high in 2011, the World Meteorological Organization has said. 世界气象组织称,2011年大气中的温室气体含量达到一个新纪录。 In its annual Greenhouse Gas Bulletin released on Tuesday, the organisation...