• 年老的树木能吸收更多的碳

    14-01-16 In a finding that overturns the conventional view that large old trees are unproductive, scientists have determined that for most species, the biggest trees increase their growth rates and sequester(使隔绝) more carbon as they age. In a letter pub...

  • 土壤如何吸收储存CO2

    14-01-09 Previous studies have established that carbon binds to tiny mineral particles. In this latest study, published in Nature Communications, researchers of the Technische Universitt Mnchen (TUM) and the Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen have shown that the surfa...

  • 2100年地球气温将至少上升4°C

    14-01-05 科学家估计,如果不减少二氧化碳排放,2100年地球平均气温将至少上升4摄氏度,到2200年会上升8摄氏度,无疑是地球灾难性的噩梦。 According to a December 31 news release from the University of New South Wales, scientists estimate that by 2100, global average...

  • 用热水洗手不会杀菌

    13-12-20 天气一变冷似乎特别容易感冒,于是很多人开始考虑如何避免消灭细菌,但是用热水洗手并不会像你想的那样可以杀死细菌。研究人员说,高温确实能够杀死细菌,但这种沸腾的高温是你无法忍受的。没有任何证据能够证明用热水(40-55C)洗手能杀死细菌,而且长时间用热水洗手...

  • 科学家正尝试利用CO2发电

    13-12-14 Researchers are developing a new kind of geothermal(地热的) power plant that will lock away unwanted carbon dioxide (CO2) underground -- and use it as a tool to boost electric power generation by at least 10 times compared to existing geothermal e...

  • 生物多样性的质量与数量同等重要

    13-12-09 For years, scientists have believed that preserving more species, no matter which ones, is a key component to enhancing how well an ecosystem performs. Not so fast, say scientists at Duke University and the University of Massachusetts at Boston. In...

  • 利用废弃矿井封存二氧化碳

    13-12-09 An abandoned mineral mine near Stanford University is providing geoscientists new insights on how to permanently entomb(埋葬) greenhouse gas emissions in the Earth. For two years, a team of Stanford researchers has been trying to unravel a geologi...

  • 海水酸化会导致鱼类焦虑

    13-12-05 A new research study combining marine physiology, neuroscience, pharmacology(药物学) , and behavioral psychology has revealed a surprising outcome from increases of carbon dioxide uptake in the oceans: anxious fish. A growing base of scientific ev...

  • 纳米管可以用于焊接细微裂口

    13-11-26 University of Illinois researchers have developed a way to heal gaps in wires too small for even the world's tiniest soldering iron(烙铁) . Led by electrical and computer engineering professor Joseph Lyding and graduate student Jae Won Do, the Ill...

  • 重新审视碳纳米管

    13-11-13 Despite their almost incomprehensibly(不可思议地) small size -- a diameter about one ten-thousandth the thickness of a human hair -- single-walled carbon nanotubes come in a plethora(过多,过剩) of different species, each with its own structure...