• 人类对热带雨林的适应速度快于预期

    15-03-13 An international research team has shed new light on the diet of some of the earliest recorded humans in Sri Lanka. The researchers from Oxford University, working with a team from Sri Lanka and the University of Bradford, analysed the carbon and ox...

  • 末次冰期时大气中N2O浓度有所提升

    14-12-11 Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas that doesn't receive as much notoriety as carbon dioxide or methane, but a new study confirms that atmospheric levels of N2O rose significantly as the Earth came out of the last ice age and addresse...

  • 2014碳排放预计削减1.25亿吨

    14-12-09 Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) will be cut by some 125 million tons this year, a United Nations (UN) official said Monday. 一位联合国官员周一表示,今年二氧化碳的排放量将会削减大约1.25亿吨。 Speaking at a UN climate change conference in Lima, Lila...

  • 加勒比海柳珊瑚对海水酸化有抵抗性

    14-12-09 A new study on tropical shallow-water soft corals, known as gorgonians, found that the species were able to calcify and grow under elevated carbon dioxide concentrations. These results suggest that Caribbean gorgonian corals may be more resilient to...

  • 温室气体与非洲湿润期

    14-12-08 Scientists may have solved a long-standing enigma known as the African Humid Period -- an intense increase in cumulative rainfall in parts of Africa that began after a long dry spell following the end of the last ice age and lasting nearly 10,000 ye...

  • 伐木对土壤中碳平衡的影响是缓慢的

    14-12-03 Logging doesn't immediately jettison carbon stored in a forest's mineral soils into the atmosphere but triggers a gradual release that may contribute to climate change over decades, a Dartmouth College study finds. The results are the first evidence...

  • 北半球碳循环因季节而改变

    14-11-25 Each year in the Northern Hemisphere, levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide drop in the summer as plants inhale, then climb again as they exhale after the growing season. During the last 50 years, the size of this seasonal swing has increased by as m...

  • 计算机模型下二氧化碳的新面貌

    14-11-19 An ultra-high-resolution NASA computer model has given scientists a stunning new look at how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere travels around the globe. Plumes of carbon dioxide in the simulation swirl and shift as winds disperse the greenhouse gas a...

  • carbon bigfoot 碳大脚

    14-11-06 Carbon Bigfoot refers to a person with absolutely zero regard for his or her carbon footprint, the sum of all emissions of CO2 induced by your activities; an anti-environmentalist. Carbon Bigfoot(碳大脚)指完全不在意自己碳足迹的人或者反环保人士。碳...

  • 细菌是气候变化的关键因素

    14-10-23 Tiny soil microbes are among the world's biggest potential amplifiers of human-caused climate change, but whether microbial communities are mere slaves to their environment or influential actors in their own right is an open question. Now, research...