• 英国宣布2030年起将禁止销售新的汽油和柴油汽车

    20-12-02 Cars have changed surprisingly little over the years. Yes, the design and the performance have improved, but what happens under the bonnet hasnt. 多年来,汽车的变化少之又少,让人感到惊讶。的确,汽车的设计和性能都有所改进,但发动机盖下面的部件却未曾...

  • BBC:中国植树造林的碳吸收作用“被低估了”

    20-11-29 An international team has identified two areas in the country where the scale of carbon dioxide absorption by new forests has been underestimated. 一个国际研究团队发现在中国两个地区的新造树林对二氧化碳的吸收程度被低估了。 Taken together, these areas...

  • 应对气候变化:船舶限速益处 “巨大”

    20-11-21 一项新报告称,降低船舶速度对人类、自然和气候都有巨大益处。减速20%不仅能减少温室气体排放,还能减少危害人类健康的污染物质,比如黑碳和氮氧化物。 Ships of all sorts and sizes transport around 80% of the worlds goods by volume. But these voyages come at...

  • 古树在世界各地持续消亡

    20-11-17 根据卫星数据显示的信息,古老的、富含碳的热带森林继续以惊人的速度消失。美国马里兰大学对高度为五米以上的树木的研究称,在2019年,每六秒就有一片足球场大小的原始森林消失。 For scientists, the loss of older trees and tropical rainforests is a double blow...

  • 过去30年南极变暖速度是其他地方的3倍

    20-09-05 The South Pole has warmed three times faster than the rest of the planet in the last 30 years due to warmer tropical ocean temperatures, new research showed. 新研究表明,由于热带海洋温度升高,南极在过去30年内的变暖速度是地球其他地方的3倍。 Antarctic...

  • 北京冬奥会将是一场绿色冬奥会

    19-12-10 The Chinese UN envoy on Monday said Beijing aims to hold a green Winter Olympics in 2022, in which green power will be used in all venues to strive for carbon neutrality. 中国驻联合国大使周一表示,北京计划2022年举办一场绿色冬奥会,届时所有场馆将使用...

  • 中国CO2监测卫星与世界分享数据

    18-05-29 Chinas carbon dioxide monitoring satellite TanSat has 75 data users worldwide, according to the website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 中科院官网显示,中国CO2监测卫星TANSAT在全世界有75个数据用户。 The 620-kg satellite received 11,000 data order...

  • 真想拯救地球?不生孩子

    17-08-04 By not having a child, the carbon footprint of an individual living in a developed country would be reduced on average by an extra 58.6 tons of carbon dioxide every year, based on current emission rates. 按照现在的排放速率,每少生一个孩子,发达国家...

  • 科学家发明有弹性的超强碳材料

    17-06-11 Scientists have developed a form of ultrastrong, lightweight carbon that is hard as a diamond yet elastic like rubber and electrically conductive. 科学家发明了一种超强轻型碳,这种碳像钻石一样坚硬却有橡胶一样的弹性并可以导电。 In simple terms, the ma...

  • 香薰蜡烛释放物会增加患心肺疾病的风险

    17-05-24 Candles release carbon and metal particles which could raise the risk of heart and lung problems, a study has warned. 一项研究提醒,蜡烛释放的碳和金属颗粒会增加患心肺疾病的风险。 The scented candle market is worth 90million in Britain and they have...