• 地球树木种类高出已知数量

    22-03-30 据估计,世界上的树木种类要比人们此前认为的多出 14% ,研究人员称之为首个 科学可信 的评估。经估测,共有 7 万 3300 种树木,研究人员猜测这其中仍有 9200 个树种尚未被发现。 The question of how many species exist on Earth isnt easy to answer, even for tree...

  • 穿深色衣服可能更容易招蚊子

    22-02-11 冬去春来,天气转暖,再过一阵子蚊虫又要开始上班了。如果你是招蚊体质,穿衣服记得避开蚊子最喜欢的颜色,以免被蚊子独宠。 While there are plenty of factors that go into how attractive you are to mosquitoes, new research has found the colors youre wearing...

  • 人类活动使森林成为净碳排放源

    22-01-22 由于人类活动和气候变化导致森林退化,世界上最受保护的森林中已有十处成为净碳排放源。 There are 257 forests with Unesco World Heritage status. They cover an area twice the size of Germany and are formally listed, studied and protected for their global...

  • 2021年度中国生命科学十大进展

    22-01-22 中国科协生命科学学会联合体公布2021年度中国生命科学十大进展。 本年度入选成果包括8个知识创新类和2个技术创新类项目成果。 Chinese scientists have developed an artificial method of synthesizing starch from carbon dioxide, the first of its kind globally....

  • 2021年度十大词语

    21-12-31 2021年度十大网络用语: 觉醒年代(The Age of Awakening) YYDS(greatest of all time) 双减(ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education) 破防(overwhelmed) 元宇宙(metaverse) 绝绝子(a...

  • 冰岛一家工厂采用新除碳技术 将二氧化碳转化为石头

    21-11-10 二氧化碳是气候变化的元凶,除了生活中的碳排放,空气中的二氧化碳也是个棘手的问题。冰岛一家工厂采用了新除碳技术,捕获空气中的二氧化碳并将其转化为石头,这样二氧化碳就无处可逃了! At the foot of an Icelandic volcano, a newly-opened plant is sucking carbo...

  • 稀有鸟类回归威尔士

    21-10-28 英国威尔士一些最稀有的鸟类重新回归,保护人士指出,这归功于在斯诺登尼亚开展的对抗气候变化和洪水的工作。 Wales hosts 4% of the worlds blanket bog habitat, which is seen as important in the fight against climate change because its very effective at sto...

  • 联合国报告:全球气温或上升至少2.7摄氏度

    21-10-28 在联合国气候峰会即将召开之际,联合国环境规划署发布的新报告显示,世界各国并没有积极行动来兑现减排承诺,照此下去,全球气温会上升至少2.7摄氏度,这将会产生灾难性的后果。 The world is squandering the opportunity to build back better from the Covid-19 pan...

  • 英国二氧化碳供应短缺或将影响圣诞火鸡供应

    21-09-29 在英国今年的圣诞节大餐中,火鸡这道传统美食可能要缺席了。天然气价格上涨导致二氧化碳供应短缺,而火鸡屠宰过程中需要用到二氧化碳,因此如果二氧化碳持续短缺,不仅圣诞节吃不到火鸡,其他家禽、肉类和碳酸饮料的供应都可能受到影响。 The traditional British Chri...

  • 种植大树能抵消人一生的碳足迹吗?

    21-09-14 They are huge and ancient trees. Most likely to be found in California like these sequoias in Yosemite National Park. But if you wait, you are going to have to be patient here, you may start to see some growing further afield in parts of the UK. 这...