• 全球变暖将影响旱地的土壤营养平衡

    13-11-02 An increase in aridity(干旱) due to global warming will disturb the balance of nutrients in the soil and reduce productivity of the world's drylands, which support millions of people, a landmark study predicts. The research was conducted by a glob...

  • 生物炭可用于制作廉价环保的超级电容器

    13-10-24 Researchers report that wood- biochar(生物炭) supercapacitors can produce as much power as today's activated-carbon supercapacitors at a fraction of the cost -- and with environmentally friendly byproducts. The report appears in the journal Electr...

  • 白垩纪晚期似乎是无冰雪时期

    13-09-25 For years, scientists have thought that a continental ice sheet formed during the Late Cretaceous Period more than 90 million years ago when the climate was much warmer than it is today. Now, a University of Missouri researcher has found evidence su...

  • 新技术可增加纳米碳管的密度

    13-09-22 Carbon nanotubes' outstanding mechanical, electrical and thermal properties make them an alluring(诱惑的) material to electronics manufacturers. However, until recently scientists believed that growing the high density of tiny graphene cylinders n...

  • 澳大利亚新任总理托尼·艾伯特上台

    13-09-18 Tony Abbott has been sworn in as Australia's prime minister, days after his Liberal-National coalition ended six years of Labor government. 托尼艾伯特宣誓就职澳大利亚新任总理,几天前他所在的自由党-国家党联盟结束了工党政府六年的统治。 Mr Abbott, 55,...

  • 1950年至今世界CO浓度略微下降

    13-09-18 A first-ever study of air trapped in the deep snowpack of Greenland shows that atmospheric levels of carbon monoxide (CO) in the 1950s were actually slightly higher than what we have today. This is a surprise because current computer models predict...

  • 微小的浮游生物可能对气候有大影响

    13-09-16 As the climate changes and oceans' acidity increases, tiny plankton(浮游生物) seem set to succeed. An international team of marine scientists has found that the smallest plankton groups thrive under elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. This could...

  • 8月20日:地球生态超载日

    13-08-25 8月20日,是今年的地球生态超载日,也就是说,我们已经用光了这一年地球能够提供给我们的各类自然资源,人类在余下几个月使用的资源都是在透支下一年的生态预算。提出这一概念的全球生态足迹网络表示,目前,人类需要1.5个地球提供的资源才能存活发展;而到本世纪中叶...

  • climate financing 气候融资

    13-08-21 Developing countries have submitted a proposal for a mid-term financing target for 2015, which is meant to ensure that the $100 billion a year in climate financing that developed countries have pledged to provide by 2020 in climate financing is guar...

  • 臭氧层空洞对全球变暖影响不大

    13-08-09 A lot of people mix up the ozone hole and global warming, believing the hole is a major cause of the world's increasing average temperature. Scientists, on the other hand, have long attributed a small cooling effect to the ozone shortage in the hole...