• 中国某大学要求女生签贞洁承诺卡被炮轰

    15-11-15 A college in north-west China has come under fire for asking female students to sign a chastity pledge as part of a course. 中国西北的一所大学在课堂上要求女大学生签贞洁承诺卡被炮轰。 The college, in the city of Xian in Shaanxi province, uses the com...

  • 万事达为中国海外留学生发布新卡

    14-12-18 Global payment company MasterCard has launched a new card tailor-made for Chinese overseas students. 全球支付公司万事达为中国海外留学生发布了一款量身定做的新卡。 The card will allow its cardholders a 5 percent reward as well as access to discounts o...

  • Card相关词汇

    12-11-26 score card 记分卡 playing cards 扑克牌 membership card 会员卡 intelligence card (IC) IC智能卡 entry card 入境卡 phone card 电话卡 birthday card 生日卡 Christmas card 圣诞卡 New-Year card 贺年卡 post card 明信片 identity card 身份证 credit card 信用...

  • 美国格雷格·莫森赢得世界扑克大赛

    12-11-01 Professional US card player Greg Merson has won the World Series of Poker, going home $8.53m richer. 美国专业扑克选手格雷格莫森在世界扑克锦标赛中获胜,将853万美元奖金捧回家。 Greg Merson has not revealed how he plans to spend the prize money Merson,...

  • The Umbrella 雨伞

    12-10-26 A gentleman staying in a hotel left his umbrella in the hall, but he had put on the handle a card on which was written: This umbrella belongs to a gentleman who can lift up a hundred pounds. I shall be back in ten minutes. When he came back, he foun...

  • time card 考勤卡

    12-07-02 The factory's 1,178 employees complained that the factory has deducted 40 minutes from their time cards every day since 2005 to account for time the employees spend taking washroom breaks. The workers also claimed that the factory has failed to issu...

  • 各种“卡”

    12-02-06 birthday card 生日卡 Christmas card 圣诞卡 New-Year card 贺年卡 post card 明信片 identity card 身份证 credit card 信用卡 debit card 借记卡 guest card 贵宾卡 preferential card 优惠卡 expense card 消费卡 get-well card 慰问卡 record card 记录卡 medicar...

  • 世博词汇之服务

    10-11-02 electronic information screens 电子信息屏 one-day travel card 地铁一日票 multi-day travel card 地铁多日票 multiple-use travel card 地铁多次票 sign language 手语 据介绍,残疾人志愿者中的手语讲解员,大都是聋人舞蹈团的演员。培训负责人说,届时,手语讲解...

  • Comparison 比较

    10-05-13 Comparison Geoffrey says to his father (who is looking at his sons report card). So I dont get the highest marks in the class, do you get the highest salary in the office? 比较 杰弗里对爸爸说(爸爸正在看儿子地成绩单):我在班里没有拿到最高的成绩,那...

  • US man 'stole 130m card numbers' 美国一男子窃取1300万张银行

    09-08-18 US prosecutors have charged a man with stealing data relating to 130 million credit and debit cards. 美国检察官控告一名偷窃1300万张信用卡和借记卡信息的男子。 The card details were allegedly stolen from three firms, including 7-Eleven Officials say i...