• in a spin 晕头转向

    21-08-05 短语 in a spin 指同时发生许多情况时晕头转向、不知如何是好。 例句 The whole team was in a spin when their best player got a red card and was sent off. My heads in a spin - Ive got so much to do, I dont know where to start. 请注意 另一个短语 to put a...

  • eat/live on dirt/soil 吃土

    21-07-01 吃土这一说法,最初源于2015年双十一购物狂欢节(Double 11 Carnival),表示网购过度,后来延伸到口袋没钱的含义。 其实国外也有这样的说法,eat ones dust,但是它表示的是落后于某人的意思。 例如: If we race, youll eat my dust. 如果我们赛跑的话,你就等着输吧。...

  • trump card 杀手锏

    20-11-29 杀手锏,中文俗语,原意指搏斗时出其不意地用锏投杀敌人的绝招,现指出其不意击敌制胜的招数,比喻看家本领。与英文俗语trump card意思相近,表示an advantage that makes you more likely to succeed than other people, especially something that other people do n...

  • 中国首张电子社保卡已签发

    18-04-23 The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has issued Chinas first nationally-unified digital social security card at the ongoing Digital China Summit in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. 在福建福州召开的数字中国建设峰会上,人力资源和社会保障部签发...

  • Mommy card 妈咪卡

    18-04-23 Mommy card refers to a calling card that includes a mothers name and contact information. 妈咪卡是指上面写有一位妈妈的名字和联系信息的名片。 Mommy cards are a trendy and useful way to share contact information between mothers to set up play dates an...

  • 英国推出不断变化安全码的信用卡

    16-10-16 A credit card with a constantly changing security code is being launched in an attempt to combat fraud. 英国将推出一种具有不断变化的安全码的信用卡,以打击诈骗行为。 The three numbers on the back of the card will be replaced by a digital display rand...

  • 瑞典球员因赛中放屁而被红牌罚出场

    16-06-24 A Swedish footballer has hit out after being sent off for breaking wind during a match - with the referee accusing him of deliberate provocation and unsportsmanlike behaviour. 一位瑞典球员因赛中放屁而被红牌罚出场,他对此表示强烈不满。裁判认定他的放...

  • 海淘英语之支付

    16-06-02 payment methods 支付方式 payment due 应付货款 pay on delivery 货到付款 balance 余额 Savings account 储蓄帐户 Card type 银行卡类型 Debit card 借记卡 Credit Card 信用卡 Card No 银行卡号 I.D. 证件 I.D. No 证件号码 Transfer 转账 CVV 信用卡背面的后三位数...

  • 伦敦地铁现针对胖子的侮辱性卡片

    15-12-04 A group claiming to call itself 'Overweight Haters Ltd' has been handing out abusive cards to commuters on London's underground rail network, branding them as fat and ugly. 一个自称超重者仇敌有限公司的组织在伦敦地铁上向通勤者分发侮辱性卡片,卡片上写...

  • add-on pay 亲密付

    15-11-26 Add-on pay is similar to Add-on Card in the banking system. It is a privilege offered to the spouse, parents or children of a primary holder of Alipay Wallet, a mobile payment app launched by Alipay, China's largest online payments provider. The pri...