• Indian Summer 秋老虎

    21-05-22 名词 summer 的意思是夏天,但 Indian summer 的意思不是 印度夏天,而指早秋中回热的天气,俗称 秋老虎。Indian summer 还可比喻人晚年幸福安宁的生活。 例句 September is usually chilly, but this year we are having an Indian summer. 九月通常比较冷了,但今年...

  • 职业游戏玩家的生活是什么样的?

    21-04-09 在过去,玩电子游戏赚钱似乎是一个黄粱美梦。如今,越来越多的人正在成为职业游戏玩家。 From pixel representations of table tennis in the 1970s to modern day cinematic storytelling, video games have evolved a lot and become more immersive. But its not ju...

  • 灯光,摄像机,英语!

    21-02-27 知道你和章子怡、佩内洛普克鲁兹还有阿诺施瓦辛格共同之处是什么吗?对了,答案就是大家都得学英语。 We all hear about foreign actors making it big in Hollywood. But many acknowledge that they were shaking in their boots the first time they were waiting f...

  • “上网闲逛”带来的隐患

    21-02-23 一项调查发现,目前每个工作日中14%的时间竟然被用于上网闲逛。在各国的办公室里,员工在上班时间查看社交媒体网站、网上购物、阅读新闻、浏览八卦等已很常见。人们为什么会养成上网闲逛的习惯呢?这个习惯怎么改? Time to own up. When youre sitting at your comput...

  • 英国:学历和收入之间的关系

    21-02-10 上大学获取一个学位可不是件容易的事。大多数人相信,获得大学文凭对一名毕业生的未来职业发展必有帮助。但这一纸文凭究竟有那么管用吗?学生所学习的专业会影响其未来的就业和收入吗? Whats the point of studying?! Its something you might ask yourself if youre...

  • 最鼓舞人心的名言

    21-02-07 The fool didnt know it was impossible, so he did it. 傻瓜不知道这事儿是不可能的,所以他做到了。 Roads in the mountains teach you a very important lesson in life - what seems like an END is very often just a BEND. 山间公路教会你人生中非常重要的一课看...

  • 每周只工作四天

    21-01-07 你热爱自己的工作吗?一想到要工作一整天,你是无比期待,还是惴惴不安?对于有些人来说,从星期一开始就数着日子,盼着星期五能早早到来,好在周末时光逃离繁琐枯燥的日常事务。难道我们非要带着这种情绪工作吗? Do you enjoy working? Does the prospect of a day i...

  • career veneer 职业虚景

    20-12-27 Career veneer refers to the thin layer of potential for career advancement, increase in pay and future opportunities that an employer paints on your job to convince you that the future holds something more than you are currently experiencing. 职业虚...

  • BBC推荐2020年度佳片

    20-12-21 Wolfwalkers 《狼行者》 Anyone who has seen The Secret of Kells or Song of the Sea will recognise the Celtic mysticism and the ornate, angular animation favoured by their director, Tomm Moore. But Wolfwalkers is his most delightful yet. Its plucky he...

  • 《Lost In Translation》迷失东京

    20-11-28 Lost in Translation is a 2003 American film written and directed by Sofia Coppola. Her second feature film, after The Virgin Suicides (1999), it stars Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson. The film revolves around an aging actor named Bob Harris and a...