• career move 职业选择

    22-03-30 搭配 career move 指 可能帮助或阻碍某人职业生涯发展的举动或选择,例如工作类型或地点的选择。如果想评价这个职业选择的好坏,可以相应地在 career move 的前面加上形容词 good(好,明智的) 或 bad(坏,不明智的)。 例句 Incorrectly telling the boss she was w...

  • great ups and downs 大起大落

    22-01-11 大起大落,汉语成语,意思是大幅度的起与落,形容变化大。可以翻译为great ups and downs,great/heavy/sharp fluctuations或 big rise and fall等。 例句: 他的事业经历了大起大落。 His career has seen a whirlwind of ups and downs. 这支队伍本赛季表现大起大落...

  • affirm, assert, allege, claim, declare

    22-01-05 首先,动词 affirm 表示 证实,确认,强调 陈述某件事情属实 或 正式确认有意做某事。听两个例句。 Examples Chen Fan affirmed he would be leaving the company after a long successful career. (陈凡证实,在漫长而成功的职业生涯后,他将离开公司。) She affirm...

  • champagne moment 庆功时刻

    21-12-28 A champagne moment 这个短语的直译是香槟时刻,这是因为西方人惯用香槟酒来庆贺胜利。汉语里我们会说辉煌或庆功的时刻。 例句 Rooney played brilliantly all match but the champagne moment was when he scored his third goal. Wow, I passed all my exams. Thats...

  • 辞还是不辞?跳槽对个人发展的利与弊

    21-09-10 在过去,人们通常在同一个单位一直工作到退休。对公司忠心耿耿可能给你很多额外的福利和稳定的工作保障。而现在,另谋高就的机会层出不穷,但假如你还没有另一份工作可去,裸辞 是否相当于自毁前程? How long have you been in your job for? If youre climbing a car...

  • the sands of time 时间

    21-08-30 短语 the sands of time 是表达时间 time 的另一个说法。这个说法更有诗意,常被用在谈论时间流逝的语境中。 例句 I am always ready to score the winning goal, said the footballer, dismissing those who said the sands of time are running out on his long care...

  • fast track 捷径

    21-07-19 名词短语fast track 快车道指的是通往成功或目的地的捷径。比如,在谈论工作和事业的语境中,fast track 常用来表示快速晋升的通道。 及物动词 fast-track 指加快进程;它也可以做形容词,意思是直通的,加急的,比如 a fast-track application service 特快申请服务。...

  • 选择大学专业要注意5个误区

    21-06-25 1. 盲目追求高收入专业 The mistake happens when youre choosing a major solely based on money. You need to also consider your passions, your dislikes, and most importantly, your happiness. Can you see yourself investing the next 40 years or so in this...

  • Food for thought 精神食粮

    21-06-15 单词 food 食物 是个常见词,thought 思想 在日常对话中出现的频率也很高。这两个词搭配组成 food for thought,字面直译为 思想精神食粮,即 引人深思的事情。若一件事情让某人认真思考,引起深思,那此事则 give somebody food for thought。 例句 The lecture was r...

  • 俄罗斯教育学专业很吃香

    21-06-09 Pedagogical faculties, IT specialties, and Medicine are the most popular majors for Russian university entrants in 2019, reports Russian Ministry of Education and Science. 俄罗斯教育与科学部报告称,教育学、信息技术和医药学是2019年最受俄罗斯大学新生...