• 中国科研的国际吸引力越来越强

    22-10-21 近年来,随着中国科研实力增强,科研环境不断优化,中国科研的国际吸引力也越来越强。据日本《朝日新闻》10月14日报道,中国的学术影响力日益强大,宽松稳定的学术环境吸引越来越多的日本年轻一代学者选择来中国发展。以下为报道摘编: Motoyuki Hattori was promising...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 5

    22-07-13 Philip came gradually to know the people he was to live with, and by fragments of conversation, some of it not meant for his ears, learned a good deal both about himself and about his dead parents. Philips father had been much younger than the Vicar...

  • 祝贺同事升职

    22-06-22 Congratulate on your promotion. 恭喜你升职了。 Were happy you got the promotion. 很高兴你得到了提拔。 This career move is the right direction. 这次职位变动是你在事业上的一次迈进。 Im so glad that you were elected the leader. 真高兴你被选为领导了。 T...

  • 51个地道习语 2

    22-05-23 11. you rock 你真棒 Thanks for the tickets, Rob. You rock! 罗布,谢谢你提供的票。你真厉害! 12. cut sb some slack 给(某人)方便;对(某人)网开一面 - Andrews late again. - 安德鲁又迟到了。 - Cut him some slack - his wifes just had a baby. - 对他就...