• 印度考试作弊如此明目张胆

    15-03-25 Cheating in exams is fairly common in the Indian state of Bihar, but new images have emerged which show just how large-scale and blatant the practice is. 考试作弊在印度比哈尔邦极为普遍,但新流出的图片显示,这种现象已经到了大规模、明目张胆的地步了。...

  • 美国某赌场以作弊起诉玩家

    14-04-16 A New Jersey casino is suing a professional poker player it says won $9.6m by cheating at baccarat. 新泽西州一家赌场起诉某扑克专业玩家,称他在赌博中作弊赢了960万美元。 Phil Ivey is a nine-time World Series of Poker winner and is considered one of of...

  • 沉迷微博易导致婚外情与离婚

    14-04-08 Twitter and other social networking services have revolutionized the way people create and maintain relationships. However, new research shows that Twitter use could actually be damaging to users' romantic relationships. Russell Clayton, a doctoral...

  • 阿扎拉枭猴不会发生“婚外情”

    14-03-20 True monogamy(一夫一妻制) is rare in the animal kingdom. Even in species that appear to mate for life, genetic maternity and paternity tests have revealed that philandering(玩弄女性,调情) often takes place. Yet a new study by University of Penn...

  • fingerprint identification instrument 指纹识别仪

    13-03-18 Authorities are instructed to provide exam takers with standard stationery and make fingerprint identification instruments available in areas where the financial situation allows. 经济条件允许的地区可以为考生提供统一标准的文具,并在考场配备指纹识别...

  • 女人出轨 隐藏手段更高明

    12-06-22 While the infidelities of famous love rat footballers fill the tabloid pages women are actually cheating more on their partners, but they are not getting found out. 尽管足球男明星偷腥的新闻时常在小报上出现,但其实出轨的女人更多,只是没被抓到罢了。 A...

  • hi-tech cheating 高科技作弊

    11-12-27 China targets hi-tech cheating before Gaokao exam: As millions of Chinese students are doing some last-minute cramming for the upcoming national college entrance examinations, authorities have launched a crackdown on sales of high-tech devices that...

  • 近五成英国人承认自己曾出轨

    11-10-30 A staggering 47 percent of the British population has admitted to cheating on a partner - whilst 63 percent have discovered they have been cheated on, a new survey has revealed. 一项新调查揭示,英国多达47%的人承认自己曾出轨,而63%的人曾发现自己遭到...

  • 男性女性对待外遇的态度相异

    11-01-31 Half of men would forgive their female partner's infidelity, as long as it was with another woman, according to a new study on cheating. 一项关于出轨的新研究显示,半数男人能原谅女友的不忠,只要外遇对象是个女人。 Women, however, were less likely to f...

  • 外挂 cheating program

    09-08-30 经常会听到有人说外挂如何如何,感觉像是个常见的电脑术语,似乎很多人在用,但是从来都不是清楚地知道这两个字真正代表的是什么。今天,咱们就用双语把这俩字好好研究研究。 Cheating programs are designed to help players skip some tough or tedious steps in an...