• 超级高铁即将见证新突破

    16-05-16 Elon Musks vision of a Hyperloop transport system that carries passengers in pressurised tubes at near-supersonic speeds is on track to hit a milestone. 伊隆马斯克的超级高铁创想加压密封车厢以近于超音速的速度运送乘客即将见证里程碑式的新突破。 Musk ou...

  • 联合国前秘书长加利辞世

    16-02-17 Former U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali has passed away at the age of 94. 联合国前秘书长布特罗斯布特罗斯-加利辞世,享年94岁。 The organizations current chief Ban Ki-moon has described him as a memorable leader who rendered invaluable ser...

  • What's the Weather?

    15-12-10 It was already late fall and the Indians on a remote reservation In South Dakota asked their new chief if the coming winter was going to be cold or mild. Since he was a chief in a modern society he had never been taught the old secrets. When he look...

  • 各种“长”英文怎么说

    15-06-18 [Chief] 国家部委的司长、局长、省属厅局的厅长、局长(chief of the…Department/Bureau);国务院直属局的局长(chief of the…Administration);处长(division chief);科长(section chief);图书馆馆长(chief librarian)等。 [President] 国家主席(preside...

  • 各种“长”的英文表达

    15-03-04 Chief 国家部委的司长、局长、省属厅局的厅长、局长(chief of the…Department/Bureau);国务院直属局的局长(chief of the…Administration);处长(division chief);科长(section chief);图书馆馆长(chief librarian)等。 President 国家主席(president);中国社科院...

  • 巴宝莉董事长安吉拉·阿伦茨将加盟苹果

    13-10-15 Burberry chief executive Angela Ahrendts will leave the luxury goods firm next year to join technology giant Apple. 巴宝莉董事长安吉拉阿伦茨明年将离开这家奢侈品公司,加入科技巨头苹果公司。 Angela Ahrendts has been with the luxury brand for almost a...

  • C-level 高层管理人员

    13-06-09 The highest-level executives in a organization are usually called C-level , referring to the 3-letter initials starting with C and ending with O (for Chief ... Officer); the traditional officers are Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operations Of...

  • 迪斯尼总裁伊戈尔将在2015年离职

    11-10-09 Walt Disney chief executive Robert Iger will step down from the position in 2015, but will stay on as executive chairman until the summer of the following year, the company has said. 沃特迪斯尼公司宣布,总裁罗伯特伊戈尔将在2015年离职,但是会担任执行...

  • 塞拉利昂一位妇女被禁止出任酋长

    09-12-16 Members of a Sierra Leone traditional group have besieged a woman's house and stopped her from going home after she launched a legal bid to become a chief. 塞拉利昂一个传统组织成员包围了一位妇女的房子并阻止她回家,此前她曾发起成为酋长的合法申请。 El...

  • SA athletics chief to stay in job 南非田径主管继续留职

    09-09-25 Athletics South Africa chief Leonard Chuene will keep his job despite calls for him to be fired for lying about Caster Semenya undergoing gender tests. 南非田径运动主管Leonard Chuene将会继续保留自己的职位,尽管他在之前关于运动员Caster Semenya的性别...
