• 美国母亲海外人工受孕 孩子被拒美国国籍

    12-04-21 Chicago native Ellie Lavi could not have been happier when she gave birth to beautiful twin girls overseas. 当美国芝加哥人艾丽拉维在国外生下漂亮的双胞胎女儿时,她心里别提多高兴了。 Ellie Lavi, an American-Israeli, plays with her daughters, Maya, lef...

  • 荷兰男子成“职业婴儿制造者”

    12-04-21 A man who stayed a virgin until the age 34 has become a father of 82 in the space of just nine years and he has another ten children on the way. 荷兰一位男子在34岁之前一直保持着处子之身,但在其后的九年内已经育有82名子女,另外还有10个尚未降生。 Dutch...

  • 学步儿童即有趋众表现

    12-04-13 A study published online on April 12 in the Cell Press journal Current Biology offers some news for parents: even toddlers(初学走路的孩子) have a tendency to follow the crowd. That sensitivity isn't unique to humans either; chimpanzees also appear...

  • 更多祖父母参与抚养孩子

    12-03-31 Generational differences and the economy are shifting more responsibilities for children from their parents to grandparents, according to a new survey. 根据一项新研究,隔代差异和经济形势将更多抚养孩子的责任从父母身上转移到了祖父母身上。 More than on...

  • 夏娃的孩子们

    12-03-29 When Adam and Eve were driven from paradise, they were forced to build a house for themselves on barren(贫瘠的) ground, and eat their bread by the sweat of their brow(眉毛) . Adam hoed the field, and Eve spun the wool. Every year Eve brought a c...

  • 爱走神的孩子脑子更灵活

    12-03-26 Children whose minds wander might have sharper brains, research suggests. 研究显示,那些爱走神的孩子也许脑子更灵活。 A study has found that people who appear to be constantly distracted have more working memory, giving them the ability to hold a lot...

  • 《科尼2012》制作人杰森裸奔缓解压力

    12-03-24 前段时间在网络上疯传的视频《科尼2012》的制作人杰森鲁塞尔上周四因在道路上裸奔并扰乱交通而被圣地亚哥警方拘留,后被送往医院。杰森的妻子表示,他的此番行为并不是酒精或药物作用,而是因为那段30分钟的视频引起了太多关注,同时也引发了众多针对他个人的攻击,杰...

  • 敲打节拍有助于儿童理解复杂概念

    12-03-23 Tapping out a beat may help children learn difficult fraction concepts, according to new findings due to be published in the journal Educational Studies in Mathematics. An innovative curriculum uses rhythm to teach fractions at a California school w...

  • 瑞士公交车发生车祸 28人死亡

    12-03-14 At least 28 people - including 22 children - have been killed in a bus crash in Switzerland, police say. 瑞士一辆公交车发生车祸,至少28人死亡,这其中包含22名儿童。 Some of the injured were airlifted to nearby hospitals Another 24 children were injur...

  • 早产婴儿存在健康问题

    12-03-02 Babies born just a few weeks early have a slightly higher risk of health problems in infancy, research suggests. 研究显示,早产几周的婴儿在婴儿期有稍高的健康问题。 Doctors said their work challenged widely held views that babies born after 37 weeks...