• 购买噪音大的玩具需谨慎

    11-12-18 While Road Rippers Lightning Rods, Let's Rock Elmo and the I Am T-Pain musical microphone might be sought-after gifts this holiday season, parents should ensure that their children don't risk permanent hearing damage by misusing them. Researchers fr...

  • 小孩不吃菜可尝试奖励法

    11-12-17 一项英国研究称,如果学龄前小孩不愿吃蔬菜,只要他们尝尝味道,就给他们一些小奖励,或许可以帮助小孩吃下原本不想吃的食物。 If your preschoolers turn up their noses at carrots or celery(芹菜) , a small reward like a sticker for taking even a taste may...

  • 有工作的母亲比全职妈妈自我感觉更好

    11-12-13 Mothers with jobs tend to be healthier and happier than moms who stay at home during their children's infancy and pre-school years, according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association. Researchers analyzed National Institute...

  • 慢性疼痛在儿童中越来越常见

    11-12-12 Children who suffer from persistent or recurring chronic pain may miss school, withdraw from social activities, and are at risk of developing internalizing symptoms such as anxiety, in response to their pain. In the first comprehensive review of chr...

  • 英国出现“要啥有啥”一代

    11-12-10 Parents are creating an 'I want it now' generation by indulging children's every demand at Christmas, say experts. 专家称,父母们总是满足孩子圣诞节的每个要求,从而导致现在就要一代的产生。 In contrast to the generous boy in this year's popular John L...

  • 经济低迷 圣诞礼物也缩水

    11-12-10 With unemployment stubbornly high, more homes in foreclosure and the economic outlook dim, many children who visit Santa are all too aware of the struggle to make ends meet. 伴随失业率持续处于高位、更多家庭面临丧失抵押品赎回权、以及经济前景堪忧,很...

  • 儿童肥胖问题未得到医生的重视

    11-12-06 A new analysis of national survey data finds that less than one-quarter of parents of overweight children recall ever being told by a doctor or other health care provider that their children were overweight. And although that percentage has increase...

  • 名言话父爱

    11-12-06 1. I've had a hard life, but my hardships are nothing against the hardships that my father went through in order to get me to where I started. - Bartrand Hubbard 我曾有过艰难的生活,但是我的艰辛与我父亲努力让我重头再来所经历的艰辛比起来算不了什么。...

  • 两胎间相隔两年生的孩子聪明

    11-12-03 Forget expensive educational DVDs and private tutors, the secret to smart children could be as simple as giving birth to them two years apart. 忘了昂贵的教学光碟和家教吧,想让孩子聪明,秘诀很简单,就是第一胎和第二胎的出生相隔两年。 Researchers who s...

  • 接受治疗的艾滋病儿童比率仅有23%

    11-12-02 Less than one-quarter (23%) of children with HIV/AIDS who need treatment are getting it, according to a report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the occasion of World AIDS Day (1 December 2011). Although treatment coverage for adult...