• 过半父母用社交网站窥探孩子隐私

    11-07-25 More than half of parents log onto social networking sites like Facebook to spy on what their children are doing, a study has found. 一项研究发现,超过一半的父母会登录Facebook之类的社交网站,窥探自己的孩子在做些什么。 Some 55% of mothers and fathers...

  • 基因也会影响性取向

    11-07-17 Genetics, along with hormones and upbringing, may play a part in sexuality, according to a study. 一项研究显示,除了荷尔蒙和教育方式外,基因也会对性取向产生影响。 Researchers claim it is known that there are well-established traits which differ betw...

  • 坐姿不当能造成体质虚弱

    11-07-13 Mothers have been telling their children to stop slouching(没精打采地坐着) for ages. It turns out that mom was onto something and that poor posture(姿势,态度) not only makes a bad impression, but can actually make you physically weaker. Accordi...

  • 俄总统下令对所有交通设施进行检修

    11-07-12 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has demanded checks on all transport services after an overloaded boat sank on the Volga River, leaving 110 people missing and feared dead. 伏尔加河上一艘超载的游轮沉没,110人下落不明,俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫因此下令对...

  • 网络干扰到英国正常家庭生活

    11-07-10 Family life is being disrupted because parents and children are overwhelmed by the huge volumes of emails and social messaging updates they are handling each day, according to a new study. 一项新调查发现,由于父母和孩子每日忙于处理大量的电子邮件和更...

  • 加尔各答某医院17名婴儿离奇死亡

    11-07-01 The Indian state of West Bengal has ordered an investigation into the deaths of 17 infants reportedly within 36 hours at a Calcutta hospital. 印度孟加拉邦下令加尔各答某医院在36小时内调查17名婴儿的死因。 Around 400 people protested outside the BC Roy...

  • 儿童成神经细胞瘤治疗新法安全可行

    11-06-30 A new treatment option may soon be available for children with neuroblastoma(成神经细胞瘤) according to research published in the July issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine. The study tested the principle that combined positron emission(正电子...

  • 越来越多的索马里难民逃往肯尼亚

    11-06-28 War and drought in Somalia are leading to an unprecedented number of people fleeing across the border into Kenya, an aid agency says. 某援助机构声称,战乱和干旱导致索马里空前数量的民众越过边境逃至肯尼亚。 Save the Children is reporting that every da...

  • 轮状病毒疫苗极大减少儿童肠胃炎发病率

    11-06-26 Vaccination against rotavirus(轮状病毒) , a major cause of severe acute gastroenteritis(肠胃炎) in children, dramatically decreased hospitalization rates for the infection among infants in three U.S. counties, according to a new study published...

  • X世代女性大多没有子女

    11-06-25 Almost half of a generation of university-educated women who put their career before a family are childless, a study has revealed. 一项研究揭示,受过大学教育、把事业看得比家庭重要的这一代女性中,近半数没有子女。 The women of Generation X were suppos...