• 同性恋家庭孩子诸多权利无有效保障

    11-10-29 Children growing up in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender families are more likely to live in poverty and may be denied legal ties to one of their parents, a report released on Tuesday showed. 本周二发布的最新报告显示,生活在女同性恋、男同性恋、...

  • 孩子与老师保持良好关系能免除同学侵扰

    11-10-27 Children who have a good relationship with their teacher may be protected from expressing aggression and being the target of aggression at school. That's the key finding in a new study of Canadian first graders that appears in the journal Child Deve...

  • A Woman's Tears

    11-10-21 Why are you crying? he asked his Mom. Because I'm a woman. she told him. I don't understand, he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, And you never will... Later the little boy asked his father, Why does mother seem to cry for no reason? All women...

  • 出生体重过低的婴儿易患自闭症

    11-10-18 Babies born weighing less than 1.8kg could be more prone to developing autism than children born at normal weight, a study suggests. 一项调查显示,出生时体重低于1.8千克的婴儿比正常体重的婴儿更容易患上自闭症。 Writing in Pediatrics journal, US resear...

  • 日程安排满 英国宝宝压力大

    11-10-15 Babies are being turned into mini adults with busy schedules of singing, yoga, gym, swimming and salsa classes, childcare experts claim. 英国育儿专家称,宝宝们由于日程安排太满,正被变成小大人。他们整日都要忙于学习唱歌、瑜伽、体操、游泳、和萨尔萨舞等...

  • 印度爆发脑炎 400多人死亡

    11-10-14 More than 400 people, mainly children, have died in an outbreak of viral encephalitis in northern India, health officials say. 印度卫生官员称,北部地区有400多人死于病毒性脑炎,大多数死者是儿童。 Viral encephalitis has killed hundreds of children in...

  • 儿童业已懂得合作的道理

    11-10-14 When all else is equal, human children prefer to work together in solving a problem rather than on their own. Chimpanzees, on the other hand, show no such preference. That's according to a study of 3-year-old German kindergarteners and semi-free-ran...

  • 日本福岛儿童正接受甲状腺检查

    11-10-10 Japanese health workers have begun checking more than 300,000 children living near the Fukushima nuclear plant for thyroid abnormalities. 日本的卫生保健工作者已经开始对住在福岛核电站附近的30多万名儿童进行甲状腺检查。 Parents have expressed concern a...

  • 早睡早起可使孩子更苗条

    11-10-03 Ben Franklin was right, at least on the healthy part. Early to bed and early to rise appears to have helped a cross-section of early-bird Australian youths keep slimmer and more physically active than their night-owl peers, even though both groups g...

  • 孕妇进行化疗对胎儿似乎没有影响

    11-09-27 Children born after their mothers were treated with chemotherapy during pregnancy appear to be unaffected by the experience in terms of the development of their mental processes and the normal functioning of their hearts, according to new research p...