• anchor baby 定锚婴儿

    15-09-09 U.S. Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Monday said his use of the term anchor babies to describe U.S.-born children of non-citizen parents was taken out of context and not derogatory, saying he was referring solely to activity he views a...

  • left-behind children 留守儿童

    15-09-02 Parents who fail to take care of their left-behind children properly will be deprived of their guardianship rights, according to a guideline that aims to improve care for such youngsters in Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou province. 贵州省贵阳市近期...

  • 南京公布儿童保护新条例

    15-08-04 The local government in Nanjing has issued new rules on child protection. 南京地方政府发布关于儿童保护的新条例。 Parents in that city could face criminal charges if they leave any child under 6-year-old, or those with physical disabilities, on their...

  • 轻度挑食即对儿童健康有不利影响

    15-08-04 Picky eating among children is a common but burdensome problem that can result in poor nutrition for kids, family conflict, and frustrated parents. Although many families see picky eating as a phase, a new study from Duke Medicine finds moderate and...

  • happy empty nesters 快乐空巢族

    15-07-30 The day the children move out of home and start a life of their own is a milestone many mothers dread. Or do they? 孩子们从家里搬出去开始独立生活是很多母亲都害怕面对的一个时刻。真的是这样吗? Far from rattling about their empty nest, most women find...

  • 3/5的人深藏怕被别人发现的秘密

    15-07-17 Three in five people have a secret that they dread others finding out, a survey has revealed. 调查显示,每五个人中就有三个人深藏一个害怕被别人发现的秘密。 And researchers found the average person has at least one secret that they have been carrying...

  • 倍舒柔煽情广告“父亲节为单亲妈妈庆祝”引热议

    15-06-24 A popular brand of toilet paper is under fire after releasing an emotional commercial celebrating single mothers, which some critics have said hijaks a day reserved for dads. 一家知名手纸品牌因发布了一则主题为父亲节为单亲妈妈庆祝的煽情商业广告后,竟...

  • 低收入家庭的压力影响孩子的学习能力

    15-06-24 Children living in low-income households who endure family instability and emotionally distant caregivers are at risk of having impaired cognitive abilities according to new research from the University of Rochester. The study of 201 low-income moth...

  • 拼写检查功能让人变成傻子

    15-06-12 Spellchecks are turning us into a nation of dunces with a third of adults failing to reach the expected spelling ability of an 11 year-old child, a shock study reveals. 拼写检查功能正将英国变成一个傻子的国度。一个研究惊人地发现,该国三分之一的成年人...

  • Parenthood

    15-06-10 If it was going to be easy, it never would have started with something called labor! Shouting to make your children obey is like using the horn to steer your car, and you get about the same results. To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you ha...