• 美国餐厅禁止儿童入内 生意更红火

    17-04-20 After receiving several complaints from loyal customers, the owner of an upscale Italian restaurant in Mooresville, North Carolina, has taken the controversial decision to ban children under the age of five. And, despite facing some backlash on soci...

  • 百度运用人工智能帮助拐骗儿童回家

    17-04-13 Baidu succeeded in using artificial intelligence to reconnect a man with his family 27 years after he was abducted, the company announced Wednesday. 百度成功利用人工智能让一位男子在被拐骗27年后联系上他的家人。 Working with baobeihuijia.com, a charit...

  • sharenting 晒娃

    17-03-31 Sharenting is the habitual use of social media to share news and images of ones children. Social media has made sharenting easier than ever. 晒娃指习惯使用社交媒体分享孩子照片和新鲜事。社交媒体使得晒娃比以前更容易了。 A new survey found that more th...

  • Rejuvenile 返青春

    17-03-31 Rejuvenile is an adult who enjoys activities and items normally associated with children. 返青春一族指的是喜欢玩儿孩子的游戏和物品的成年人。 According to Noxon, 36, rejuveniles are people who have tastes or mind-sets that are traditionally associate...

  • 特朗普前妻出书回忆三个孩子的养育经历

    17-03-24 Ivana Trump, the first wife of President Donald Trump, is writing a memoir that will focus on the couples three children. 特朗普的第一任妻子伊万娜特朗普正在撰写一部以他们的三个孩子为主题的回忆录。 Raising Trump will be published on September 12, Gal...

  • 4个含有一点儿“否定”意思的词

    17-01-22 1. check 避免,中止 They have begun to vaccinate children in an attempt to check the spread of the disease. 为了控制疾病的蔓延,他们开始给孩子注射疫苗。 He couldnt check his anger to see such cruelty to children. 看到儿童遭到如此残忍对待,他怒不可遏...

  • 2016中国十大草根英雄

    17-01-22 Chinas Internet users have selected 10 individuals as the 2016 grassroots heroes. 中国网民选出了2016年十大草根英雄。 The winners were announced and honored Saturday at an event sponsored by Xinhua News Agency. He Xinglong, a village doctor who has b...

  • 凯特王妃被授予皇家摄影协会终身荣誉会员

    17-01-08 Her touching portraits of Prince George and Princess Charlotte delighted a nation. 凯特王妃为乔治王子和夏洛特公主拍的感人照片,受到英国人民的喜爱。 Now the Duchess of Cambridges family snaps have seen her commended by the prestigious Royal Photograp...

  • 战斗民族:幼儿园孩子雪地里“冰桶挑战”

    16-12-28 This shocking footage shows around a dozen tiny children running out into the snow wearing just their pants before they throw ice cold water all over themselves. 在一段让人震惊的视频中,大约十几名孩子只穿着短裤跑到雪地里,之后还往身上倒冰水。 The nu...

  • 德语杂志《Ooom》感动全球年度人物

    16-12-24 A woman who rescued a two-year-old boy who had been cast out by his own community for being a witch-child has been recognised in an international list of the most inspiring people of the year. 一名女子因为拯救了一名两岁的小男孩而成为感动全球年度人物...