• Under the Lilacs - Chapter 19

    21-01-21 The first of September came all too soon, and school began. Among the boys and girls who went trooping up to the East Corner knowledge-box, as they called it, was our friend Ben, with a pile of neat books under his arm. He felt very strange, and dec...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 8

    21-01-21 Ben was not too tired, and the clearing-up began that very night. None too soon, for in a day or two things arrived, to the great delight of the children, who considered moving a most interesting play. First came the phaeton, which Ben spent all his...

  • talk back 顶嘴

    21-01-10 顶嘴,比喻与他人争辩,用言语冲撞他人,多指对长辈或上级,可以翻译为 contradict (ones elder or superior)。也可以用talk back表示,有reply defiantly or insolently的意思。 例句: 你竟敢跟我顶嘴! How dare you talk back to me! 孩子们绝对不应与父母顶嘴。 Y...

  • 未来的零花钱

    21-01-02 There are many things we remember from our childhood the games we played, the music we listened to; but what about earning pocket money? This was our first ever wage for completing tasks such as tidying our bedroom or sorting the laundry. Our reward...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 21

    20-12-20 Dr. Alec had not arrived, but bad tidings had, as Rose guessed the instant her eyes fell upon Aunt Plenty, hobbling downstairs with her cap awry, her face pale, and a letter flapping wildly in her hand as she cried distractedly: Oh, my boy! My boy!...

  • 科学家发现儿童肥胖与抑郁之间存在联系

    20-12-17 英国的一项大型研究表明,肥胖的七岁儿童长到十一岁时受情绪问题困扰的风险更高。利物浦的研究人员们发现,肥胖与心理健康密切相关,而且这一联系在整个童年时期逐渐加深。 The researchers analysed data on more than 17,000 children up to the age of 14, alongsid...

  • to be well-turned-out 衣着光鲜,穿戴讲究

    20-12-03 搭配 to be well-turned-out 用来形容某人的穿戴讲究,衣着漂亮。它指的是一个人的衣着打扮十分讲究,而不是说这个人相貌俊美。To be well-turned-out 既可以用来描述某人平时着装漂亮,也可以形容某人为了出席特殊的场合而打扮得时髦、讲究。这个搭配中的副词 well 也...

  • 儿童因担心气候变化和环境而失眠

    20-11-21 BBC 少儿资讯频道与民调机构 Savanta-ComRes 合作,对 2000 名 8 至 16 岁的儿童进行了一项调查,结果显示,年轻人对地球的环境现状感到心灰意冷、焦虑不安。 Psychologists say that worries about the environment are affecting young peoples mental health. Child...

  • 美国超百万儿童感染新冠病毒

    20-11-20 Over a million children under 18 have been diagnosed with Covid-19 in the United States since the start of the pandemic, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Childrens Hospital Association said Monday. 美国儿科学会和儿童医院协会11月16日表示,...

  • Little Women - Chapter 32

    20-09-28 Jo, Im anxious about Beth. Why, Mother, she has seemed unusually well since the babies came. Its not her health that troubles me now, its her spirits. Im sure there is something on her mind, and I want you to discover what it is. What makes you thin...