• 迈阿密获评全美最悲惨城市

    12-02-11 尽管美国的迈阿密是个气候宜人、豪宅林立的度假胜地,但根据《福布斯》网站最新出炉的最悲惨城市年度排行榜,它却是全美最悲惨城市。 Warm sun, white beaches, and million-dollar mansions notwithstanding(虽然,尽管) , Miami has captured the dubious(可疑的...

  • 伯明翰入围2012旅游地排行榜

    12-01-16 Before jetting off to Paris, Madrid or Rome, American holidaymakers should consider a trip to Birmingham, according to a new list of places to visit in 2012. 根据新发布的2012年旅游地排行榜,在飞往巴黎、马德里或罗马之前,美国的度假者应该先考虑去伯明...

  • upmarket food 高档食品

    12-01-09 Recently, the owner of CP Lotus and Super Brand Mall announced the launch of its first upmarket food retail brand, Bazaar by Lotus, in Shanghai's Xintiandi, the fashion hub and one of the most famous locations in the city. 近日,卜蜂莲花和正大广场宣...

  • A Psychological Shipwreck - 3

    11-12-09 It was by lamplight that I awoke. I lay in a berth(卧铺,停泊位) amid the familiar surroundings of the state-room of a steamer. On a couch opposite sat a man, half undressed for bed, reading a book. I recognized the face of my friend Gordon Doyle,...

  • 维也纳三度问鼎全球最宜居城市

    11-12-03 It is the so-called city of dreams that counts some of the greatest luminaries of music and art among its erstwhile inhabitants. 维也纳堪称梦幻之都,一些最伟大的音乐家和艺术大师都曾经居住在这里。 Best in the world: The Upper Belvedere Palace in Vien...

  • first-tier city 一线城市

    11-11-23 China's overall property price will climb 3.3 percent to 6 percent this year, with the first-tier cities experiencing an adjustment in the fourth quarter, China Real Estate Index said in a report over the weekend. 上周末中国房地产指数研究机构在一份...

  • 英国市政考虑削减路灯照明

    11-10-22 Almost three quarters of councils have already reduced street lighting in their area, or are considering doing so. 英国近3/4的市政部门已经或正考虑削减当地的路灯照明。 The blackouts are being rolled across thousands of streets in rural areas, suburbs...

  • 圣地亚哥获评全美最幸运城市

    11-10-22 San Diego, which has been touted as having one of the best climates in the United States, is also the luckiest, according to a new ranking. 根据最新排名,被奉为美国气候最宜人城市之一的圣地亚哥,也是全美最幸运城市。 The sunny southern California city...

  • “城市操作系统”亮相M2M交流大会

    11-10-15 近期在荷兰鹿特丹举行的M2M交流大会上,葡萄牙科技公司Living Plan IT展示了高智能化的城市操作系统。据悉,城市操作系统是第一个能够应对和管理城市500亿个设备所产生的庞大数据的智能系统。其操作原理类似苹果公司产品的操作系统,是一个可以迅速安装和运行各种应用...

  • 计取陈仓

    11-10-12 This is a story from the novel Three Kingdoms. Zhuge Liang led 300,000 Shu State troops in a march towards Chencang, the vital communication stronghold(要塞,据点) of the Wei State. It was his second expedition against the Wei State. Hao Zhao, the...