• clean eating 清洁饮食

    15-12-08 A diet of clean eating refers to one which avoids processed foods and is heavy in raw and unrefined produce. 清洁饮食指一个人不吃加工精制食品,大量摄入未加工的农产品。 Today, clean eating, or eating clean, is a major movement, spurred by people from...

  • 盖茨联合多国投资者向清洁能源领域投资数十亿美元

    15-12-04 Bill Gates has pulled together a multinational band of investors to put billions into clean energy. 比尔盖茨联合了多国投资者,将向清洁能源领域投资数十亿美元。 The Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist is set to announce his latest endeavor, the Br...

  • 生活中无需尴尬的五件事

    15-11-04 Mistakes while learning There will be times when you have people above you (a boss) or even next to you (a coworker) that will get really irritated with you for ruining something crucial. Errors are bound to happen when you have on your training whe...

  • 一位美国科学家12年没洗澡 用喷雾保持清洁

    15-10-23 In a bid to prove that showering is overrated, an American scientist hasn't had a bath in 12 years. Instead, he sprays his skin with a mist containing live bacteria, which he claims has kept him clean all these years! 为了证明洗澡是小题大做,一位美...

  • 川渝方言英译

    15-05-25 场景一:做清洁 方言:扫归一了,就把东西还原 翻译:When you have finished sweeping put things back where they belong. 方言:洗的时候,桌子脚脚不打脏 翻译:When you are washing (the floor), you must not dirty the legs of the table. 方言:角角上要好生...

  • Relic

    14-11-24 Relic Patricia Hooper Here is a bird's breastbone, the keel of a ship scrubbed clean of its cargo and rigging, its rib cage laid bare in this harbor of grasses. Each morning the sun finds it and bleaches it into a basket the snail sleeps in, no long...

  • 农村地区废弃物清理的独特方法

    14-09-20 Washington State University researchers have developed a unique method to use microbes buried in pond sediment to power waste cleanup in rural areas. The first microbe-powered, self-sustaining wastewater treatment system could lead to an inexpensive...

  • A poor housekeeper 差劲的主妇

    14-07-30 A woman was dissatisfied with her next-door neighbor. She told her friend that the neighbor was a poor housekeeper, her house was not clean and her children were dirty. Then she complained that one was almost disgraced by living near such a neighbor...

  • 《魔境仙踪》精彩语句

    14-03-11 Then it's high time that you learned. 那现在是时候学一下了。(high time: 正是应该的时候。) You got to come clean for that innocent young girl. 你应该对那个无辜的女孩坦白。 Who is this fetching woman? 这位迷人的小姐是?(形容迷人除了attractive还可以...

  • The End of the World

    14-02-13 The End of the World Meredith Stricker has already happened is happening here it is what to prove nothing here it is no other than the small coiled(盘绕的) teeth of mollusk(软体动物) radula(齿舌) scraping granite tidepools clean seen correctly...