• 太平洋海岛可能成为珊瑚礁的避难所

    12-05-02 Scientists have predicted that ocean temperatures will rise in the equatorial(赤道的) Pacific by the end of the century, wreaking havoc(肆虐) on coral reef ecosystems. But a new study shows that climate change could cause ocean currents to opera...

  • 美国连续三月出现高温天气

    12-04-14 It's been so warm in the United States this year, especially in March, that national records weren't just broken, they were deep-fried. 美国今年天气十分暖和,特别是三月以来,温度居高不下。这不仅是破纪录的高温,而且热度灼人。 Temperatures in the lowe...

  • 美国连续三月出现高温天气

    12-04-14 It's been so warm in the United States this year, especially in March, that national records weren't just broken, they were deep-fried. 美国今年天气十分暖和,特别是三月以来,温度居高不下。这不仅是破纪录的高温,而且热度灼人。 Temperatures in the lowe...

  • 死海水位不断下降

    12-04-11 Rapidly dropping water levels of the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth's surface heralded(通报) for its medicinal properties, has been a source of ecological concern for years. Now a drilling project led by researchers from Tel Aviv University a...

  • 气象记录与气候变化密切相关

    12-03-26 The past decade has been one of unprecedented weather extremes. Scientists of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany argue that the high incidence of extremes is not merely accidental. From the many single events a patter...

  • 全球海平面未来将上涨70英尺

    12-03-22 Even if humankind manages to limit global warming to 2 degrees C (3.6 degrees F), as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommends, future generations will have to deal with sea levels 12 to 22 meters (40 to 70 feet) higher than at presen...

  • 地下盐碱含水层能储存CO2

    12-03-21 A new study by researchers at MIT shows that there is enough capacity in deep saline aquifers(盐碱含水层) in the United States to store at least a century's worth of carbon dioxide emissions from the nation's coal-fired powerplants. Though questio...

  • 欧洲水资源告急

    12-03-14 Continued inefficient use of water could threaten Europe's economy, productivity and ecosystems, a report has warned. 一项报告警告,持续低效利用水源将威胁欧洲的经济、生产力和生态系统。 The European Environment Agency (EEA) said that the continent's...

  • 云与空气

    12-03-14 Bows and flows of angel hair, and ice cream castles in the air; we've looked at clouds that way. But the interface(界面,接口) between clouds and clear air isn't as well-defined as these imaginative shapes might lead us to believe. Detecting that...

  • 气候变化影响冰球的开展

    12-03-07 The future of Canadian outdoor ice hockey(冰球) -- a sport synonymous with the country's culture -- is being threatened by anthropogenic(人为的) climate change, new research suggests. As warmer winter temperatures restrict ice from freezing over...