• 北极海冰融化70%是人为导致

    12-07-31 Study finds only 30% of radical loss of summer sea ice is due to natural variability in Atlantic and it will probably get worse. 研究发现,北极海冰夏季大面积融化可能会进一步加剧,而这其中只有30%由大西洋的自然环境变化所造成。 The radical(激进的,根...

  • 森林大火使美国“碳仓库”减少

    12-07-26 Forests in the Pacific Northwest store more carbon than any other region in the United States, but our warming climate may undermine their storage potential. A new study conducted by the U.S. Forest Service's Pacific Northwest Research Station and t...

  • 爱尔兰境内发现地中海蚯蚓

    12-07-26 Scientists have discovered a thriving population of Mediterranean earthworms(蚯蚓) in an urban farm in Dublin, Ireland. The findings by University College Dublin scientists published in the journal Biology Letters suggest that rising soil temperat...

  • 将CO2从空气中分离储存以稳定气候

    12-07-25 Emerging techniques to pull carbon dioxide from the air and store it away to stabilize the climate may become increasingly important as the planet tips into a state of potentially dangerous warming, researchers from Columbia University's Earth Insti...

  • 北冰洋内出现热带浮游生物

    12-07-25 For the first time, scientists have identified tropical and subtropical species of marine protozoa(原生动物) living in the Arctic Ocean. Apparently, they traveled thousands of miles on Atlantic currents and ended up above Norway with an unusual --...

  • 天然气是对付全球变暖的利器

    12-07-11 No matter how you drill it, using natural gas as an energy source is a smart move in the battle against global climate change and a good transition step on the road toward low-carbon energy from wind, solar and nuclear power. That is the conclusion...

  • 近两千年来北欧气候变化很大

    12-07-10 An international team that includes scientists from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) has published a reconstruction of the climate in northern Europe over the last 2,000 years based on the information provided by tree-rings. Professor Dr. J...

  • 气候变化使珊瑚礁暂停生长

    12-07-06 Climate change drove coral reefs to a total ecosystem collapse lasting thousands of years, according to a paper published this week in Science. The paper shows how natural climatic shifts stopped reef growth in the eastern Pacific for 2,500 years. T...

  • 气候变化导致某些植物叶片变小

    12-07-05 University of Adelaide researchers have discovered that recent climate change is causing leaves of some Australian plants to narrow in size. The study, which is the first of its kind in the world, highlights that plant species are already responding...

  • 气候变化改变全球火灾模式

    12-06-13 Climate change is widely expected to disrupt future fire patterns around the world, with some regions, such as the western United States, seeing more frequent fires within the next 30 years, according to a new analysis led by researchers at the Univ...