• 丹尼·布林德担任荷兰国家队新教练

    15-07-02 The Netherlands' national team has appointed Danny Blind as the new coach. 荷兰国家队任命丹尼布林德为国家队新任教练。 Blind is reported to have signed a contract for three years. The 53-year-old won 42 caps during his career as a defender and went o...

  • 贵州人和主教练朱炯遭解聘

    15-04-29 Chinese Super League's Guizhou Renhe has sacked team coach Zhu Jiong. 中超联赛贵州人和俱乐部主教练朱炯遭解聘。 Zhu Jiong Guizhou announced on their verified Weibo account that Zhu left on amicable terms with the club. Li Chunman will take over as in...

  • 斯科拉里否认将加入中超

    15-04-22 Brazil's 2002 World Cup-winning coach Luiz Felipe Scolari has denied a rumored move to the Chinese Super League. 巴西2002年世界杯冠军教练路易斯菲利佩斯科拉里否认了加入中超联赛的谣言。 Scolari's friend had earlier disclosed that he was offered multi-...

  • 足球相关词汇

    14-06-25 在澳大利亚,football这个词可以指完全不同的运动项目,这完全取决于你身居何地。在某些州,football指的是澳式橄榄球(Australian football),也称澳式足球;而在其他一些州,又有可能指的是英式橄榄球(rugby)。当然,千万别忘这里踢英式足球(soccer)的也是大有...

  • 德国主教练勒夫挖鼻屎后与C罗握手

    14-06-21 众所周知,勒夫虽然外形英俊,却有着一个很不好的习惯挖鼻屎,此前许多比赛中,摄像机都拍到过勒夫在替补席上挖鼻屎的镜头。在北京时间6月17日凌晨结束的德国队世界杯首秀中,勒夫挖鼻屎的一幕竟然又被摄相机镜头捕捉到,只不过这一次,勒夫挖完鼻屎并没有迅速将其吃掉...

  • 新西兰一家三口的奥运趣闻

    12-08-04 A New Zealand kayaker made the semi-finals of the men's slalom at the Olympics despite being given a two-second penalty by his mother who is a judge at the games. 新西兰一位奥运男子皮划艇激流回旋比赛选手昨天闯进了半决赛,但在比赛中,他因犯规被身为裁...

  • 奥巴马演讲 会见超级碗冠军队伍并发表致辞

    12-06-16 Hello, everybody! Everybody, please have a seat. Welcome to the White House, and congratulations to the Super Bowl Champion New York Giants. We've got some members of Congress and members of my administration who are here today and rabid(狂暴的) G...

  • “沙发土豆”也与基因有关

    11-09-06 You may think your lack of resolve to get off the couch to exercise is because you're lazy, but McMaster University researchers have discovered it may be you are missing key genes. The researchers made their unexpected finding while working with hea...

  • 哥伦比亚足球国家队教练辞职

    11-08-10 The coach of the Colombian national football team Hernan Dario Gomez, better known as Bolillo, has resigned. 哥伦比亚国家足球队教练尔南达里奥戈麦斯,俗称波利欧,已经辞职。 he main sponsors, brewers Bavaria, welcomed the resignation of Gomez He had b...

  • 阿根廷国家队主教练马拉多纳被“下课”

    10-07-31 Diego Maradona's spell as Argentina coach came to an end on Tuesday when soccer chiefs voted unanimously not to renew his contract, the country's AFA football association said on Tuesday. 阿根廷足协于本周二宣布,足协官员一致投票决定不再与国家队主教...