• 2019瑞幸咖啡计划超过星巴克

    19-01-07 Domestic coffee chain Luckin Coffee has announced a plan to open 2,500 new stores in 2019 and become the market leader in China, Chinanews.com reported. 中新网报道,本土咖啡连锁品牌瑞幸咖啡计划2019年开设2500家连锁店,成为中国市场的领导者。 Qian Zhiy...

  • 中国的咖啡文化逐渐流行

    18-09-13 Recent figures show that Chinas coffee shop industry is booming, with big brands, smaller roasters and local Chinese chains all showing signs of growth. 最近数据显示,中国的咖啡店行业正在蓬勃发展,大品牌、小烘焙店以及中国本土连锁店全都表现出增长迹象...

  • 星巴克在云南普洱开店

    18-06-22 U.S. coffee giant Starbucks opened its first outlet in Puer City, southwest Chinas Yunnan Province on Thursday. 美国咖啡巨头星巴克周四在云南普洱第一家店开业。 Belinda Wong, CEO of Starbucks China, said she hopes the store in Puer will help boost Chi...

  • 蘑菇咖啡上市以来深受人们追捧

    18-03-31 Chai latte was a huge hit until news of its astronomical sugar content emerged; turmeric latte was named the breakout star in Googles Food Trends report of 2016; and we reached peak avocado with the hideous avolatte. But in the past 12 months a new...

  • 星巴克投资100万美元研发环保咖啡杯

    18-03-26 Starbucks is making a $10 million commitment to develop a greener coffee cup that is fully recyclable and compostable. 星巴克承诺投资100万美元研发完全可回收、可降解的更环保的咖啡杯。 The company on Tuesday announced the NextGen Cup Challenge initiat...

  • 咖啡和红酒可以让你更长寿

    18-03-03 The quest for longevity has long been on peoples minds, prompting an abundance of research on the effects of food and diet on the human lifespan; but unlike the usual recommendations - eat kale, sip unsweetened green tea, and such - here is one you...

  • 影响体味的8种食物

    18-01-23 1. Red meat In a 2006 study published in Chemical Senses, women rated vegetarian mens perspiration samples as overwhelmingly more attractive, as opposed to those who had recently consumed red meat. Because red meat is harder to digest, it leaves beh...

  • 研究:多喝咖啡能延长寿命

    17-07-14 Drinking more coffee could extend peoples life span, as coffee drinkers would have a lower risk of death, a new study shows. 一项新研究显示,多喝咖啡能延长人的寿命,喝咖啡的人死亡率较低。 Researchers from the International Agency for Research on Can...

  • 其它颜色类英文词汇

    17-06-05 咖啡色 coffee 酱色 caramel;reddish brown 紫酱色 marron 茶色 umber;dun;dark brown 赫色 ocher;auburn;chocolate;sienna;umber;rust 琥珀色 amber;succinite 栗色 chestnut;sorrel;marron 金色 gold 古金色 old gold 银色 silver;argent 铅色 lividity 锌色 zinc 铁...

  • 世界首款无色咖啡面世

    17-05-06 Coffee is more popular today than ever before, but many people abstain from consuming too much of it because it can really take a toll on their pearly whites. Well, thanks to the worlds first colorless coffee, you dont have to worry about stained te...