• 咖啡馆幽灵

    16-02-22 I own a coffee shop in Southern Indiana. I have a room in the back where I spend most of the week. I had just bought this place and after a few weeks I realized how strange it really was. The first time that I noticed some strange happenings was abo...

  • 成功人士早餐前做什么

    15-11-06 Wake up early - according to Laura Vanderkam, 90% of executives wake up before 6am on weekdays. PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, for example, wakes at 4am and is in the office no later than 7am. Meanwhile, Disney CEO Bob Iger gets up at 4:30 to read, and Tw...

  • 英国人吃饼干的地区差异

    15-10-27 Soggy bottoms are preferred in the North but southerners tend to favour a quick dunk. 北方人通常把饼干底部都泡得软软的,而南方人则只是蜻蜓点水般稍微泡一下。 Yes, England is divided when it comes to eating biscuits, according to a poll showing 65% of...

  • Coffee Breaks

    15-10-21 Q: Why should blondes not be given coffee breaks? A: It takes too long to retrain them....

  • 沉默咖啡馆在东京各处开张

    15-10-18 A young woman sits alone in a caf sipping tea and reading a book. She pauses briefly to scribble in a nearby notepad before showing her words to a passing caf worker: Where are the toilets please? 一位年轻的女士独坐在咖啡馆里,正一边小口喝着茶一边看...

  • 配备高分辨率摄像机以及窃听设备的咖啡杯盖

    15-09-20 It resembles nothing more innocuous than an ordinary coffee cup. 从表面上看,这就是一个再普通不过的咖啡杯。 But it is actually a disguised hi-tech gadget which could become a potent new weapon in the fight against criminals, enemy spies and benefits...

  • 韩国设计师设计嘴唇形状的咖啡杯盖

    15-09-01 A slurp of coffee is often one of the first things that touches our mouths in the morning, so a designer has created a cup lid with lips for people who love their morning caffeine hit a little too much. 通常来说,新的一天从清晨轻啜一口咖啡开始,因此...

  • 咖啡果小蠹如何抵挡剧毒浓度的咖啡因

    15-07-16 The coffee berry borer is the most devastating coffee pest in the world. The tiny beetle is found in most regions where coffee is cultivated, and a big outbreak can slash crop yield by 80 percent. It's also a caffeine fiend. The insect is the only c...

  • 早上十点或许是喝咖啡的最佳时间

    15-06-05 You should probably be drinking your morning cup of coffee around10 a.m., according to a new video from AsapScience. 科普频道AsapScience近日发布视频声称,早上十点或许是喝咖啡的最佳时间。 We know, we know. If you're an I-need-caffeine-as-soon-as-I-wa...

  • 肯德基今年将主推现磨咖啡业务

    15-04-14 Thousands of KFC restaurants in China will start selling freshly ground coffee this year in a bid to become a lower-cost premium alternative to Starbucks. 中国数千家肯德基餐厅今年将开始销售现磨咖啡以成为星巴克的廉价优质替代品。 The move is viewed as...